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New inter-communal road connecting Feşteliţa and Marianca de Jos villages from Ştefan Vodă district, built within a regional development project

03.05.2018   959 Views  

May 3, 2018 - A new road connects Feşteliţa and Marianca de Jos villages from Ştefan Vodă district. At the same time, the road ensures the connection with the national road Chișinău - Căușeni, facilitating the direct access of the citizens to the centre of the district and the Moldova - Ukraine border crossing point, Palanca. The road was built as a part of a regional development project and is expected to bring benefits to about 34,000 people from the South and East of the Republic of Moldova.

The Ministry of Agriculture, Regional Development and Environment, the Regional Development Agency (RDA) South and the Mayoralty of Feşteliţa from Ştefan Vodă district, have organized an event for finalization of the infrastructure project: "Construction of the inter-communal road Feşteliţa-Marianca de Jos - Ştefan Vodă and its connection to the national road R30 Chişinău - Căuşeni - Ukraine Border".

The project financed from the National Fund for Regional Development, has a total value of about 19 mil MDL and targets the construction of the inter-communal road Feşteliţa - Marianca de Jos - Ştefan Vodă, of 3.8 km, and the interconnection of the local road network with R30 national road, Chișinău - Căușeni - Ștefan Vodă - Ukraine.

At the ceremony were present the Minister of Agriculture, Regional Development and Environment, Mr Liviu Volconovici; the Director of the Regional Development Agency South, Mrs Maria Culeşov; the president of Ștefan Vodă district and the Regional Development Council South, Mr Nicolae Molozea; the Mayor of Feşteliţa village, Mr Nicolae Tudoreanu; the representatives of the partner communities, civil society and media.

Mr Liviu Volconovici, the Minister of Agriculture, Regional Development and Environment, highlighted the importance of this investment project for the communities from Ştefan Vodă district and for the Development Region South. He has also mentioned that ensuring the access of citizens to a modern infrastructure and quality public services is a state priority; a goal that once achieved will contribute to increasing the competitiveness of the national economy and the citizens’ welfare.

"Building this road, we aimed at ensuring the access to the agricultural market from Feşteliţa for the citizens from the neighbouring villages: Marianca de Jos, Copceac, Alava, Volintiri, Semionovca and Brezoaia; for entrepreneurs, to ensure access to new markets from Chișinău, Căușeni, Cimișlia, and Odessa. It is no less important increasing the road safety of citizens by installing road indicators and signs. I am absolutely convinced that the construction of this road will create premises for the development of inter-community cooperation in providing public services: water and sewage, sanitation, street lighting, local public transport, and will reduce the cost of such services. All the regional development projects have the objective of building the future at home and improving citizens’ welfare, highlighted the Minister of Agriculture, Development Region Environment, Mr Liviu Volconovici.

Mrs Maria Culeşov, the director of the RDA South, said that a modern road offers to people safety, convenience, the possibility to travel faster and cheaper - a reason to stay in the native village and to start a business. "I hope this project will contribute to improving the quality of citizens' life by increasing mobility and reducing travel time by at least three times, reducing also the cost of travel supported by the beneficiaries. At the same time, due to the newly built road, citizens will have quick access to emergency services - fire department, ambulance, police; children could go the school of arts from Feşteliţa on a better road, in conditions of maximum safety and comfort", said the director of the RDA South, Maria Culeşov.

The idea of building this road to make a belt here in Bugeac area and to facilitate the transportation of goods and passengers in the area exists for several years, said the mayor of Feşteliţa village, Mr Nicolae Tudoreanu. In Feşteliţa, Marianca de Jos villages and in the centre of Ștefan Vodă district, there were only a country road, practicable only in summer and when it was dry.

"Now, the citizens from Feşteliţa and Marianca de Jos villages will no longer have to travel 22 kilometres from one locality to another. By building this road, their chances for a better life, for a European future have increased. Certainly, for a locality, a good way means life, it means future, the ability to invest, to develop ", said Mr Nicolae Tudoreanu.

We would like to mention that "Construction of the inter-communal road Feşteliţa-Marianca de Jos - Ştefan Vodă and its connection to the national road R30 Chişinău - Căuşeni - Ukraine Border" project aims to contribute at achieving an objective from the Regional Development Strategy South 2016-2020, regarding to the access to qualitative public services. It was selected within the last Call for Proposals, later included in the Single Programming Document 2017-2020 by Government Decision. The project was approved for funding in 2017 from the National Fund for Regional Development.

The investment has as purpose the rehabilitation and development of the regional transport infrastructure, ensuring the connection with the national and international transport network and people's access to qualitative public services and utilities.

The project beneficiaries are 12500 citizens of the partner villages, the population of Ștefan Vodă district (direct access for about 20 thousand citizens), about 1000 agricultural enterprises, 13 industrial enterprises, 60 commercial enterprises, the offices of family doctors from Feşteliţa, Marianca de Jos and Alava villages, 20 public institutions, including gymnasium and "Maria Bieșu" School of Arts from Feşteliţa.