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New Projects for the Development of the South Region

14.01.2013   2814 Views  

According to the State Budget Law, in 2013 from the NFRD will be allocated funds in the amount of 191 250 thousand lei. From this total sum, for the implementation of projects will be allocated 183 738 100 lei, while for the operational costs of the regional development agencies - North, Center and South - will be allocated 7 511 900 lei. Five projects, totaling 44 538.10 thousand lei, will be implemented in the South region. From these five projects, three will be launched in 2013 and for two the implementation deadlines from 2012 is extended. The largest amount sources will be allocated for the rehabilitation of the physical infrastructure, and more precisely, for the rehabilitation and modernization of existing roads and international connections. 

  •  "CODRENI - SAGAIDACUL NOU ROAD CONSTRUCTION". The overall objective of this project is to create favorable conditions for socio-economic development of disadvantaged communities in the DRS. The rehabilitation of the L580 road and its connection to the national route M3 aims to improve access of passengers and goods to and from 13 villages of the Cimislia and the Basarabeasca districts. The total cost is 25 509 424 lei. The requested money from the National Regional Development Fund is 89% of the total cost. The Implementation period is 20 months. 

For more information click HERE

  • "ACCESS ROAD TO THEMEMORIAL MUSEUM "ALEXEI MATEEVICI" FROM ZAIM ". The overall objective of this project is through the construction of the access road to the House Museum, Alexei Mateevici" in Zaim village, Causeni district, to provide real opportunities for including the South Development Region in the national and international tourist routes. The cost of the project is 1 985 730 lei. The requested funding from the NFRD constitute 90.6% of the total cost. The implementation period is 12 months. 

For more information click HERE 

  • "BOOSTNG THE SOCIO-ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OF COMMUNITIES IN THE LOWER NISTRU RIVER THROUGH THE RENOVATION OF THE L - 510 STEFAN VODA - TALMAZA ROAD" This project addresses the renovation of 16.025 km of the L510" Stefan Voda - Talmaza" road which will reduce the time travel from the villages Talmaza, Cioburci, Răscăieți and Viișoara to the border crossings Palanca, Tudora and Volintiri. The total project cost is 42 259 955.40 lei. The requested funding from the NFRD constitute 99% of the total project cost. The implementation period is 24 months. 

For more information click HERE 

For the projects, "Promoting the Region's Image through Sports Tourism" and "Rehabilitation of the Vacation Site "'Lacul Sărat' in Cahul", the implementation deadline was extended to 2013. Both projects are expected to be completed this year . 

For more information click HERE