<![CDATA[South Regional Development Agency]]> https://www.adrsud.md/ 15.02.2025 en https://www.adrsud.md/ Copyright (c) 2025 https://www.adrsud.md/With the support of the European Union, more than 290 students and teachers from the “Matei Basarab” Theoretical Lyceum in Basarabeasca benefit from improved study conditions <![CDATA[With the support of the European Union, more than 290 students and teachers from the “Matei Basarab” Theoretical Lyceum in Basarabeasca benefit from improved study conditions // News]]> https://www.adrsud.md/libview.php?l=en&idc=340&id=5181&t=/Press/News/With-the-support-of-the-European-Union-more-than-290-students-and-teachers-from-the-Matei-Basarab-Theoretical-Lyceum-in-Basarabeasca-benefit-from-improved-study-conditions/ On Friday, 24 November 2023, the inauguration of the European Union-funded project on increasing energy efficiency at the "Matei Basarab" Theoretical Lyceum took place in Basarabeasca. The event was attended by the Minister of Infrastructure and Regional Development, the Ambassador of the European Union to the Republic of Moldova, the representative of the German Embassy in the Republic of Moldova, the management of the Regional Development Agency (RDA) South, GIZ Moldova, local public authorities, representatives of the construction company, residents ]]> 24.11.2023 13:03 Invitation to the tender organized within the Water Supply and Sewerage Project in Cahul (procurement of AAC operation and maintenance equipment) <![CDATA[Invitation to the tender organized within the Water Supply and Sewerage Project in Cahul (procurement of AAC operation and maintenance equipment) // News]]> https://www.adrsud.md/libview.php?l=en&idc=340&id=4947&t=/Press/News/Invitation-to-the-tender-organized-within-the-Water-Supply-and-Sewerage-Project-in-Cahul-procurement-of-AAC-operation-and-maintenance-equipment/ ]]> 01.07.2022 10:49 Invitation to participate in the Tender for Contract No. 1 Urban Water Supply and Sewerage Networks Cahul <![CDATA[Invitation to participate in the Tender for Contract No. 1 Urban Water Supply and Sewerage Networks Cahul // News]]> https://www.adrsud.md/libview.php?l=en&idc=340&id=4606&t=/Press/News/Invitation-to-participate-in-the-Tender-for-Contract-No-1-Urban-Water-Supply-and-Sewerage-Networks-Cahul/ ]]> 14.05.2021 11:45 The French Development Agency (AFD) has identified RDA South as a potential project promoter <![CDATA[The French Development Agency (AFD) has identified RDA South as a potential project promoter // News]]> https://www.adrsud.md/libview.php?l=en&idc=340&id=4605&t=/Press/News/The-French-Development-Agency-AFD-has-identified-RDA-South-as-a-potential-project-promoter/ ]]> 13.05.2021 14:39 Announcement regarding the relaunch of the Pre-qualification procedures of the Contract No.2 Cahul Wastewater Treatment Plant <![CDATA[Announcement regarding the relaunch of the Pre-qualification procedures of the Contract No.2 Cahul Wastewater Treatment Plant // News]]> https://www.adrsud.md/libview.php?l=en&idc=340&id=4577&t=/Press/News/Announcement-regarding-the-relaunch-of-the-Pre-qualification-procedures-of-the-Contract-No2-Cahul-Wastewater-Treatment-Plant/ ]]> 07.04.2021 16:37 EU allocates EUR 10 million in grants to boost economic growth in town halls in Eastern Partnership <![CDATA[ EU allocates EUR 10 million in grants to boost economic growth in town halls in Eastern Partnership // News]]> https://www.adrsud.md/libview.php?l=en&idc=340&id=4554&t=/Press/News/EU-allocates-EUR-10-million-in-grants-to-boost-economic-growth-in-town-halls-in-Eastern-Partnership/ ]]> 02.03.2021 11:39 The European Union supports the modernization of educational institutions in the Southern Region of the Republic of Moldova <![CDATA[The European Union supports the modernization of educational institutions in the Southern Region of the Republic of Moldova // News]]> https://www.adrsud.md/libview.php?l=en&idc=340&id=4542&t=/Press/News/The-European-Union-supports-the-modernization-of-educational-institutions-in-the-Southern-Region-of-the-Republic-of-Moldova/ ]]> 13.01.2021 10:51 World Bank will provide $ 50 million for the conceptualization of a new project in the field of water supply and sanitation security in Moldova <![CDATA[World Bank will provide $ 50 million for the conceptualization of a new project in the field of water supply and sanitation security in Moldova // News]]> https://www.adrsud.md/libview.php?l=en&idc=340&id=4532&t=/Press/News/World-Bank-will-provide-50-million-for-the-conceptualization-of-a-new-project-in-the-field-of-water-supply-and-sanitation-security-in-Moldova/ ]]> 17.12.2020 18:29 Thanks to the support of the EU, almost 300 pupils and teachers of "Matei Basarab" Theoretical Lyceum from Basarabeasca town will benefit from improved education conditions <![CDATA[Thanks to the support of the EU, almost 300 pupils and teachers of "Matei Basarab" Theoretical Lyceum from Basarabeasca town will benefit from improved education conditions // News]]> https://www.adrsud.md/libview.php?l=en&idc=340&id=4523&t=/Press/News/Thanks-to-the-support-of-the-EU-almost-300-pupils-and-teachers-of-Matei-Basarab-Theoretical-Lyceum-from-Basarabeasca-town-will-benefit-from-improved-education-conditions/ ]]> 08.12.2020 13:38 Construction works launch event for European Union (EU) funded projects on water supply and sewerage (WSS) in Leova rayon and energy efficiency (EE) of "Constantin Spataru" Theoretical Lyceum in Leova town <![CDATA[Construction works launch event for European Union (EU) funded projects on water supply and sewerage (WSS) in Leova rayon and energy efficiency (EE) of "Constantin Spataru" Theoretical Lyceum in Leova town // News]]> https://www.adrsud.md/libview.php?l=en&idc=340&id=4501&t=/Press/News/Construction-works-launch-event-for-European-Union-EU-funded-projects-on-water-supply-and-sewerage-WSS-in-Leova-rayon-and-energy-efficiency-EE-of-Constantin-Spataru-Theoretical-Lyceum-in-Leova-town/ ]]> 03.11.2020 12:22 US Embassy in the Republic of Moldova announces a new call for proposals for the grants competition under the Ambassadors Fund for Cultural Preservation programme <![CDATA[US Embassy in the Republic of Moldova announces a new call for proposals for the grants competition under the Ambassadors Fund for Cultural Preservation programme // News]]> https://www.adrsud.md/libview.php?l=en&idc=340&id=4498&t=/Press/News/US-Embassy-in-the-Republic-of-Moldova-announces-a-new-call-for-proposals-for-the-grants-competition-under-the-Ambassadors-Fund-for-Cultural-Preservation-programme/ ]]> 27.10.2020 15:15 The Republic of Moldova has initiated the update of the low-emissions development strategy until 2030, with EU support <![CDATA[The Republic of Moldova has initiated the update of the low-emissions development strategy until 2030, with EU support // News]]> https://www.adrsud.md/libview.php?l=en&idc=340&id=4496&t=/Press/News/The-Republic-of-Moldova-has-initiated-the-update-of-the-low-emissions-development-strategy-until-2030-with-EU-support/ ]]> 19.10.2020 22:10 The Republic of Moldova marks the European Green Week 2020 <![CDATA[The Republic of Moldova marks the European Green Week 2020 // News]]> https://www.adrsud.md/libview.php?l=en&idc=340&id=4495&t=/Press/News/The-Republic-of-Moldova-marks-the-European-Green-Week-2020/ ]]> 19.10.2020 21:54 Invitation for Prequalification/Expression of Interest WATER SUPPLY AND SANITATION IN CAHUL: CONTRACT #1: WSS CAHUL URBAN (repeated procedure) <![CDATA[Invitation for Prequalification/Expression of Interest WATER SUPPLY AND SANITATION IN CAHUL: CONTRACT #1: WSS CAHUL URBAN (repeated procedure) // News]]> https://www.adrsud.md/libview.php?l=en&idc=340&id=4489&t=/Press/News/Invitation-for-PrequalificationExpression-of-Interest-WATER-SUPPLY-AND-SANITATION-IN-CAHUL-CONTRACT-1-WSS-CAHUL-URBAN-repeated-procedure/ ]]> 15.10.2020 16:59 Works, technical supervision and copyright contracts regarding the execution of the works within the project “Increasing energy efficiency of “Matei Basarab” Theoretical Lyceum from Basarabeasca town”, financed by the European Union, have been signed <![CDATA[Works, technical supervision and copyright contracts regarding the execution of the works within the project “Increasing energy efficiency of “Matei Basarab” Theoretical Lyceum from Basarabeasca town”, financed by the European Union, have been signed // News]]> https://www.adrsud.md/libview.php?l=en&idc=340&id=4478&t=/Press/News/Works-technical-supervision-and-copyright-contracts-regarding-the-execution-of-the-works-within-the-project-Increasing-energy-efficiency-of-Matei-Basarab-Theoretical-Lyceum-from-Basarabeasca-town-financed-by-the-European-Union-have-been-signed/ ]]> 28.09.2020 13:00 With the support of the European Union, the citizens of Leova town will benefit from modern sewerage services <![CDATA[With the support of the European Union, the citizens of Leova town will benefit from modern sewerage services // News]]> https://www.adrsud.md/libview.php?l=en&idc=340&id=4474&t=/Press/News/With-the-support-of-the-European-Union-the-citizens-of-Leova-town-will-benefit-from-modern-sewerage-services/ ]]> 22.09.2020 16:51 Members of the Regional Development Council South met in an ordinary virtual meeting <![CDATA[Members of the Regional Development Council South met in an ordinary virtual meeting // News]]> https://www.adrsud.md/libview.php?l=en&idc=340&id=4472&t=/Press/News/Members-of-the-Regional-Development-Council-South-met-in-an-ordinary-virtual-meeting/ ]]> 18.09.2020 16:02 New enterprise and technical supervision contracts of about 100 million lei financed by the European Union for the population of Leova town <![CDATA[New enterprise and technical supervision contracts of about 100 million lei financed by the European Union for the population of Leova town // News]]> https://www.adrsud.md/libview.php?l=en&idc=340&id=4451&t=/Press/News/New-enterprise-and-technical-supervision-contracts-of-about-100-million-lei-financed-by-the-European-Union-for-the-population-of-Leova-town/ ]]> 18.08.2020 15:14 Invitation for Prequalification/Expression of Interest WATER SUPPLY AND SANITATION IN CAHUL: WSS CAHUL URBAN <![CDATA[Invitation for Prequalification/Expression of Interest WATER SUPPLY AND SANITATION IN CAHUL: WSS CAHUL URBAN // News]]> https://www.adrsud.md/libview.php?l=en&idc=340&id=4427&t=/Press/News/Invitation-for-PrequalificationExpression-of-Interest-WATER-SUPPLY-AND-SANITATION-IN-CAHUL-WSS-CAHUL-URBAN/ ]]> 14.07.2020 10:17 European Union approves EUR 30 million disbursement in macro-financial assistance to the Republic of Moldova <![CDATA[European Union approves EUR 30 million disbursement in macro-financial assistance to the Republic of Moldova // News]]> https://www.adrsud.md/libview.php?l=en&idc=340&id=4424&t=/Press/News/European-Union-approves-EUR-30-million-disbursement-in-macro-financial-assistance-to-the-Republic-of-Moldova/ ]]> 10.07.2020 17:56 About 58 million lei will be provided from the state budget to improve living and labour standards in rural areas <![CDATA[About 58 million lei will be provided from the state budget to improve living and labour standards in rural areas // News]]> https://www.adrsud.md/libview.php?l=en&idc=340&id=4423&t=/Press/News/About-58-million-lei-will-be-provided-from-the-state-budget-to-improve-living-and-labour-standards-in-rural-areas/ ]]> 09.07.2020 17:41 The European Union will invest about 11 million euros for the execution of works within infrastructure and energy efficiency projects in the Southern Development Region <![CDATA[The European Union will invest about 11 million euros for the execution of works within infrastructure and energy efficiency projects in the Southern Development Region // News]]> https://www.adrsud.md/libview.php?l=en&idc=340&id=4419&t=/Press/News/The-European-Union-will-invest-about-11-million-euros-for-the-execution-of-works-within-infrastructure-and-energy-efficiency-projects-in-the-Southern-Development-Region/ ]]> 07.07.2020 21:02 Announcement on organization of pre-qualification procedure of the contractors for the design and construction of the new wastewater treatment plant in Cahul <![CDATA[Announcement on organization of pre-qualification procedure of the contractors for the design and construction of the new wastewater treatment plant in Cahul // News]]> https://www.adrsud.md/libview.php?l=en&idc=340&id=4382&t=/Press/News/Announcement-on-organization-of-pre-qualification-procedure-of-the-contractors-for-the-design-and-construction-of-the-new-wastewater-treatment-plant-in-Cahul/ ]]> 20.05.2020 09:40 Europe Day - an opportunity to promote investment projects implemented by RDA South with the support of European partners <![CDATA[Europe Day - an opportunity to promote investment projects implemented by RDA South with the support of European partners // News]]> https://www.adrsud.md/libview.php?l=en&idc=340&id=4367&t=/Press/News/Europe-Day-an-opportunity-to-promote-investment-projects-implemented-by-RDA-South-with-the-support-of-European-partners/ ]]> 09.05.2020 07:39 European Union and UNDP support Cahul and Ungheni municipalities as well as their neighbouring communities in the fight against the new coronavirus <![CDATA[European Union and UNDP support Cahul and Ungheni municipalities as well as their neighbouring communities in the fight against the new coronavirus // News]]> https://www.adrsud.md/libview.php?l=en&idc=340&id=4355&t=/Press/News/European-Union-and-UNDP-support-Cahul-and-Ungheni-municipalities-as-well-as-their-neighbouring-communities-in-the-fight-against-the-new-coronavirus/ ]]> 24.04.2020 17:58 Draft law on ratification of the Financing Contract between the Republic of Moldova and the European Investment Bank approved by the Government <![CDATA[Draft law on ratification of the Financing Contract between the Republic of Moldova and the European Investment Bank approved by the Government // News]]> https://www.adrsud.md/libview.php?l=en&idc=340&id=4343&t=/Press/News/Draft-law-on-ratification-of-the-Financing-Contract-between-the-Republic-of-Moldova-and-the-European-Investment-Bank-approved-by-the-Government/ ]]> 13.04.2020 10:11 Japonia oferă Moldovei un credit preferențial de peste 18 milioane de dolari, pentru modernizarea agriculturii <![CDATA[Japonia oferă Moldovei un credit preferențial de peste 18 milioane de dolari, pentru modernizarea agriculturii // News]]> https://www.adrsud.md/libview.php?l=en&idc=340&id=4314&t=/Press/News/Japonia-ofera-Moldovei-un-credit-preferential-de-peste-18-milioane-de-dolari-pentru-modernizarea-agriculturii/ ]]> 25.03.2020 15:42 On March 28, 2020, we extinguish the light at HOME and thus pay homage to the Earth! <![CDATA[ On March 28, 2020, we extinguish the light at HOME and thus pay homage to the Earth! // News]]> https://www.adrsud.md/libview.php?l=en&idc=340&id=4303&t=/Press/News/On-March-28-2020-we-extinguish-the-light-at-HOME-and-thus-pay-homage-to-the-Earth/ ]]> 25.03.2020 14:17 Eastern Partnership: new policy objectives for beyond 2020 <![CDATA[Eastern Partnership: new policy objectives for beyond 2020 // News]]> https://www.adrsud.md/libview.php?l=en&idc=340&id=4301&t=/Press/News/Eastern-Partnership-new-policy-objectives-for-beyond-2020/ ]]> 23.03.2020 17:10 British Embassy Chisinau announces a Call for Project Proposals: Climate Change <![CDATA[British Embassy Chisinau announces a Call for Project Proposals: Climate Change // News]]> https://www.adrsud.md/libview.php?l=en&idc=340&id=4300&t=/Press/News/British-Embassy-Chisinau-announces-a-Call-for-Project-Proposals-Climate-Change/ ]]> 20.03.2020 10:06