Network of cities involved in the urban revitalization process in expansion

In 2019, eight new cities are involved in the urban revitalization process. On May 21, the urban revitalization process welcomed another 8 cities to be involved.

For Sangerei, Drochia, Ceadir-Lunga, Vulcanesti, Rezina, Straseni, Cahul, Stefan Voda localities, the urban revitalization is one of the priorities. This process deserves increased attention from citizens and local public authorities - this solves, first of all, social crisis in the urban area, is concerned with the improvement of the quality of life in areas, which will lead to the full development of the city. These eight new cities were selected competitively and transparently by the Regional Development Agencies within the open calls for each development region, occurred in April-May 2019 period (2 cities were selected at the level of each development region).

These 8 localities will be involved in a complex process of work, that begins with the Urban Revitalization Programs elaboration. Due to the experience gained in 2018, by the cities participating in the process, the new participants will benefit of a working methodology based on the realities of the Moldovan cities.

On May 21, the eight new localities, together with the eight localities involved in 2018, benefited of a training on the revitalization process - from notions and presentations of the last year's results, to practical workshops and concrete discussions on creating the context of the Urban Revitalization. The participants also discussed the nature of interventions in the urban areas by direct involvement of the citizens - the process and program being designed according to the needs of the citizens.

The urban revitalization is a complex process, involving local and regional partners, and the main beneficiaries are people.

The article is part of the activities implemented in the context of promoting the Urban Revitalization Approach in the Republic of Moldova with the support of the Polish Development Cooperation Program of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland.




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