The inter-communal road Feşteliţa-Marianca de Jos - Ştefan Vodă has been finished

The works and activities within the investment project "Construction of the inter-communal road Feşteliţa-Marianca de Jos - Ştefan Vodă and its connection to the national road R30 Chişinău - Căuşeni - Ukraine Border", implemented by the RDA South and financed from the National Regional Development Fund have been finished. As a result, a new road sector with a total length of 3.86 km was built; out of it, 0.35 km from Feşteliţa village - has asphalt layer, 1.62 km with asphalt layer in the village of Marianca de Jos and 1,9 km of macadam (gravel), which connects these localities.

 The project was launched in May 2017, having as purpose the rehabilitation and development of regional transport infrastructure, ensuring the connection with the national and international transport network and people's access to qualitative public services and utilities. The total cost of the project is 19,163.80 thousand MDL. In 2017, 10 million MDL was allocated from the National Regional Development Fund.

 The general contractor "ACIT-TRANS" LLC has engaged to execute works in eight months, but they finished works in due time. The company executed on its own account the works not covered by the state budget for the year 2017. At the end of the works, the final reception will take place.

 Nicolae Tudoreanu, the mayor of Feşteliţa village, referred to the importance of the investment and said that this project ensures the access of the citizens to the agricultural market of Feşteliţa for the inhabitants from nearby villages: Marianca de Jos, Copceac, Alava, Volintiri, Semionovca și Brezoaia. Due to newly built road, the local economic agents will have access to new markets from Chișinau, Căușeni, Cimișlia and Odessa.



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