About Regional Development Agency

The South Regional Development Agency (South RDA) is a public noncommercial institution with financial autonomy, which was created in 2010 with the aim to contribute to the socio-economic development in 8 districts of the Southern Region (Cimislia, Basarabeasca, Leova, Causeni, Stefan Voda, Cantemir, Taraclia, Cahul).  The Agency is the executive body of the South Regional Development Council (RDC), which has the responsibility and the authority to elaborate the strategy and to implement regional development policies.

The Agency is a legal entity subordinated to the Ministry of Agricuture, Regional Development and Environment, the activity is organized under the Law no. 438 of 28.12.2006 on Regional Development, Government Decision no. 127 of 08.02.2008 and Regulation of activity. The agency's headquarter is Cimislia.

The Agency operates under the National Fund for Regional Development (NFRD), donations and grants, cooperates with local authorities and central similar agencies, development partners, civil society, economic agents, universities from Moldova and abroad .

The South RDA activity, based on legal provisions, includes the following areas of intervention:

1.        Strategic planning and programming

  • Elaboration of studies and analyzes of socio-economic development in the South Region;
  • elaboration of Regional Development Strategy (RDS) and adjust it with the National Strategy for Regional Development (NSRD);
  • elaboration of regional sectorial programs in various domains;
  • monitoring and evaluation of the implementation of the Regional Development Strategy and Operational Plan and reporting to the Ministry of Regional Development and Construction; etc.

2.        Management of regional development projects implemented in South RDA

  • organizing calls for proposals, evaluation and selection of regional projects submitted by local authorities to include in the Regional Operational Plan;
  • planning, organizing and managing the public procurement process;
  • organizing the implementation of projects and ensuring effective financial management;
  • monitoring, evaluation and reporting on implemented projects.

3.        Intraregional, interregional and international cooperation

  • coordination of activities related to regional development with local public authorities, public associations, institutions and organizations and the private sector;
  • promoting the potential of the region on the national and international level;
  • attract external sources to implement strategies, programs and projects of regional development;
  • developing cooperation with similar institutions in the country and abroad;
  • initiating and implementing cross-border and international projects.

4.        Capacity development

  • capacity building of local actors to develop projects and absorption of funds for development;
  • strengthening regional groups for strategic planning and decision making;
  • informational, methodological and consultative support for regional council and local authorities.

South RDA activity is guided by the Southern Regional Development Strategy, which sets out three key priorities in the development of the region:

  •   Rehabilitation of physical infrastructure (construction, rehabilitation and upgrading of roads, access roads, water supply systems and sanitation, energy efficiency in public buildings);
  •   Diversification of the economy and promote private sector development (business incubators, industrial parks, consulting and promotional activities);
  •   Improving the environment and tourist attractiveness (promotion and development of the Southern Regional tourism, management of solid waste and environmental disasters, renewable energies).

South RDA activities are orientated to people from the region and are realized together by a loyal team, with business professionalism, quality and honesty - characteristics that stimulate lifelong learning.

South RDA is open to collaborate with institutions, organizations, individuals, private sector, NGOs from the country and abroad, to a balanced and sustainable development of the region.


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