Annually, on June 29 in the Republic of Moldova is marked the International Day of the Danube - a public event involving local communities, the Central and local authorities, NGOs, and experts in the field. This year, the activities dedicated to this day were organized within the framework of the project "New Life for the River Prut".
Giurgiulești organized several socio-cultural and art events. At the celebration the works were reviewed, evaluated and children were awarded in the frame of the contest "Lower Prut" and questions contest "Me and the Danube". The Celebration included exhibitions of craftsmen in the area, and artistic performances.
Activities organized on this day of celebration for the Danube, attaches great importance to the participation and awareness of the population in conservation efforts of the Danube River. The main objective of these events is to involve citizens of the Danube countries in multiple, independent or joint activities carried out locally, nationally and regionally. Central and local government authorities, municipalities, non-governmental organizations, scientific communities are encouraged to get involved in organizing and carrying out activities like these which are important occasions for promoting the image of the Republic of Moldova and to promote efforts for the conservation of the Danube River, as well as information and awareness-raising activities.
This year marks the 20 years anniversary of the signing of the Convention on Cooperation for the Protection and Sustainable use of the Danube River and the 10th year in which Europe celebrates the International Day of the Danube.
The South Regional Development Agency is an associate partner in the project SUERD -CO-WANDA. The project "Convention for Waste Management for Inland Navigation on the Danube" was drawn up by eleven partners from 9 countries bordering the Danube. The main objective of the project CO-WANDA is to achieve a draft of an International convention for the management of water vessel generated waste which will be applicable to all countries bordering the Danube.