A group of officials of the Ministry of Regional Development and Construction (MRDC) and the Regional Development Agencies (RDA) in the North, Center and South, together with representatives of local public administrations were presented a Kyrgyzstan experience in the field of regional development. They conducted the tour in the Republic of Kyrgyzstan, on 26-30 November 2013. The purpose of the visit was carrying out an exchange of best practices in the field of regional and local development.
The delegation from Moldova met with representatives of the Mayor's Kara-oi and Ciolpon-Ata, in the Issyk-Kul region and discussed issues of local development, arrangements for the Organization of Public Services, as well as projects on modernization of infrastructure. Also, the topics of discussion were development projects financed by various sources, including State aid programs, as well as relations and attracting investments that are inter-budgetary. The context of the discussion was implemented projects by local authorities with donor support.
Members of the delegation participated in the International Conference "Local Public Administration and the Process of Socio-Economic Development: Experience of the Republic of Moldova, Serbia and Kyrgyzstan", organized during the same period. In presentations, officials from Moldova talked about regional development policy in our country: the legal framework, institutional and the funding of regional development projects. They also presented the national strategy of regional development, regional strategies and operational plans for regional development, including successful projects and good practices in developing regions and at the level of local communities.
Valerian Binzaru, head of the Ministry of Regional Development and Construction (MRDC), said that the Conference had the aim to present the experience our country, progress, achieved results, challenges and prospects of regional development and local socio-economic, in the Republic of Moldova. Officials also stated that the event was attended by approximately 60 representatives of Central and local public authorities, civil society, regional development agencies, donor organizations and institutions in Kyrgyzstan, Serbia and the Republic of Moldova.
Let us mention, the visit took place within the framework of the project "Local Public Administration and the Process of Socio-Economic Development: Experience of the Republic of Moldova, Serbia and Kyrgyzstan "with the support of Eastern European Partnership Program, Without Borders, the Soros Foundation Moldova and the Soros Foundation - Public Administration Program. The visit was organized by the Urban Development Institute, in partnership with the Center for Analytical and Legal support for Kyrgyzstan.