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Members of the South RDC exhibit increased interest for capacity building

22.10.2013   2756 Views  

Costești, Ialoveni/22 October 2013.


Specialists from the South Regional Development Agency with support information and logistics from Germany Agency for International Co-operation (GIZ), started the cycle of training and strengthening of the Regional Development Councils, the concept was approved at the ordinary meeting of the South RDC, on 11 July 2013. "Development of capacities of Regional Council members" calls for 70% of the members of the RDC, which demonstrates an interest and are actively involved in regional development. In the opening, President of the Regional Council for the South, Mrs. Efrosinia Grețu said that "... we took the decision from the ordinary meeting in July and this is a positive thing and bring multiple originators and organizers. This presence demonstrates that we are not indifferent to south regional development. Regional development is a relatively new field, but is making major steps by the Regional Development Agency's work".

The workshop had theoretical activities, but also practical activities which enabled participants to become familiar with the role and responsibilities of RDC and with the practice of similar European institutions. Stefan Elsing, GIZ expert, imparted the German experience in ensuring regional development and Mr. Sorin Maxim, director of the West-Timișoara RDA, imparted the Romanian experience.

RDA Director, Ms. Maria Culeșov, said that "these activities will allow us to exchange experiences. I am proud that the initiative comes from the South RDA. Tatiana Aramă head of Strategic Planning and Programming Department and Sergiu Pleșca, GIZ consultant - developed the concept approved on 11 July by the RDC. As a result, we have a team that is more active and responsible in promoting the South development region. "

Collaboration of the Ministry of Regional Development and Construction and the Germany Agency for International Cooperation GIZ is not just limited to investment projects, they also supported this workshop. Alexandr Muravschi, Senior Consultant at GIZ confirmed this trend: "GIZ is the strategic partner of Government and MRDC and  RDA and they are very dynamic public institutions. The goal of GIZ is to ensure the sustainability and efficient of project investments. That's why we supported the initiative of South RDC through promoting decentralization, so that the RDC can become a "Regional Parliament". We support any initiative supported training and capacity building for all actors of regional development. "

South RDC members were familiar with the future "Cross-Border Cooperation Programs", as well as the roles of the working groups within the framework of Regional Council. Members of the South RDC were actively involved in the debate related to "Gender Equality", the subject presented by Stefan Toderașcu, consultant in planning and programming at GIZ.

We must mention that the cycle of training for members of the RDC will continue with meetings for each component of the RDC. For the South RDC this workshop has been useful because during the meeting of October 23, they discussed proposals at the workshop which was evidence of the effectiveness of the activity.