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Codreni -Sagaidacul-Nou access road was finished in record time
25.09.2013 3295 Views
In December 2012, by decision of the National Council for Regional Development, coordination number 18/12 was accepted for funding, by the National Fund for Regional Development, for the construction of the road Sagaidacul-Nou Codreni. On April 30, 2013 project launch took place, and the contractor gave assurances that it will be completed in 20 months. But because of accountability and sound works, they succeeded in just five months from the release. Thus, on the eve of the cold season, the residents of 13 villages which only used the road in the summer will now get a free pass any time of year.
At the reception for the work, the representatives of the concentrated organs in the territory, as well as those of the State Construction Inspection, filed no objections. They appreciated the execution of the works performed. The experts came up with recommendations pertaining to the operation of such a road with a bedding of gravel or crushed stone. The designer, Mr. Sergiu Bejan, emphasized the need for district management of the road, the rehabilitation needs in 5-7 years, as well as the compliance with speed by auto drivers. The mayors of the two towns, Mrs. Ioana Stoica -Mayor of Porumbrei and Mr. Valeriu Spînu-Mayor of Codreni, mentioned the importance of this road, especially since it was expected from 1991. Ms. Maria Culeșov, Director of the South RDA, said that "this was one of the few projects adjusted from the start by the specialist's recommendations, in which there were no deviations from the technical design, or other impediments which usually occur in projects. This allowed the work to be performed qualitatively and quickly".
This project will be a "card" for South RDA and one of our success stories ..."
Recall-total cost 21 million, due to the contractor's bid, although initially it was 25 million lei. The amount requested from the National Fund for Regional Development, constituted 89% of the total cost. Implementing unit-South Regional Development Agency (South RDA).The overall objective of the project was the creation of optimal conditions for socio-economic development for disadvantage communities in the southern region. The project aimed to improve access for passengers and goods to and from 13 villages of Basarabeasca and Cimislia districts.