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The Second Meeting of the Regional Sectorial Committee in the Field of Solid Waste Management Held in the Development Region South

07.06.2018   1475 Views  

The members of the Regional Sectorial Committee in the field of Solid Waste Management (RSC SWM) from the Development Region South, created with the support of the German Federal Enterprise for International Cooperation (GIZ) within the project "Modernization of Local Public Services of the Republic of Moldova" (MLPS) met in Cimişlia on June 7, 2018, for the second time.

The event was attended by representatives of the Ministry of Agriculture, Regional Development and Environment, members and specialists of the RSC / SWM working group, GIZ / MSPL advisors, ”IDIS Viitorul” representatives, specialists from the RDA South and RDA ATU Găgăuzia.

The meeting was presided over by Mr Netedu Gheorghe, vice-president of Cimișlia district, substituting Mr Iovu Bivol, the president of Cimișlia district and co-chair of the Regional Sectorial Committee in the field of Solid Waste Management in the Development Region South.

Mrs Tatiana Aramă, the head of Strategic Planning and Programming Department, said that continuity is the main criteria of the carried out activities and if the impediments arise, the committee have to contribute at removing these obstacles applying joint forces.

In his turn, Mr Veverița Petru, National Senior Advisor on Regional Planning and Programming at GIZ / MSPL, welcomed the participants and noted that the institution he represents is open to provide necessary support to the committee to be functional and achieve its purpose.

The secretary of the RSC SWM South, Mrs Natalia Dubalari, presented to the committee the carried out activities for November 2017 - May 2018 period. Subsequently, the RSC SWM members discussed about the current situation in the Development Region South, based on the information from the results of some questionnaires, filled out by the local public authorities from the region. The report was presented by Mrs Tamara Guvir, GIZ expert, who also referred to the priorities of arranging temporary landfills, selected from the existing ones.

"We met to discuss the region's most pressing issues in the SWM field and identify the best solutions for each problem," said Mrs Bolocan Svetlana, the head of the Department for Waste and Chemicals Management Policy from MARDE. The MARDE representative talked about the new legal provisions in the field of waste management.

After an exchange of information, participants were involved in a session of questions and answers, suggestions and solutions. At the meeting, the members of the Committee got acquainted with the RSC SWM Activity Plan for the second semester of the year, which they approved at the end of the meeting.

We mention that the Regional Sectorial Committee in the field of Solid Waste Management is created by the Regional Development Council South through Decision no. 2/03 of 29 June 2017. The Operating Rules of the newly created structure were approved at the same meeting. In order to create and ensure the functionality of the regional sectorial committees, the Regional Development Council South and the Regional Development Agency South are supported by German Federal Enterprise for International Cooperation (GIZ) within the project "Modernization of Local Public Services in the Republic of Moldova" (MLPS), implemented in partnership with the Ministry of Agriculture, Regional Development and Environment, financially supported by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), the European Union, the Government of Romania, the Government of Sweden and Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC). 

The RSC SWM will debate draft decisions, will draft recommendations to be presented later at the RDC South meetings. The Committee have the task of examining and approving the priorities of regional development in the field of SWM, promoting regional projects among donors and investors, examining, with the support of independent experts, the project portfolio, various studies, analyses and recommendations for crystallizing a regional vision on sector development.