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The value of investments in the region through regional development instruments depends largely on how participatory and transparent this process is
The report on regional development policy in the South Region was presented within a workshop organized by CONTACT Cahul Center for the actors involved in regional development process. The report was developed under the project „ADVOCACY AND MOBILIZATION FOR A MORE POWERFUL ACTION AND INTERVENTION OF CSOs", with financial support of USAID. The event took place in Cimislia and was attended by representatives of the NGO sector and experts from the South Regional Development Agency.Mihai Cucereanu- project coordinator started with
18.11.2016   903 Views   
“The Danube Connects” GIU Coordination Committee first meeting
The first meeting of the Coordination Committee of the Grant Implementation Unit provided by the Austrian Development Agency was held on November 17, 2016.The meeting was organized to present the report on "The Danube Connects" project implementation, namely:-          fulfilled and planned actions within the EU Strategy for the Danube Region (SUERD), objectives and beneficiaries;-          fulfilled and planned actions in cross-border programs eligible for Moldova;-          the results of the first audit report (period February 1, 2015 - July 31 2016).The project
18.11.2016   1685 Views