The first steps in the implementation of three new projects in the southern region

 February 06, Cimislia- In a work-meeting hall the project applicants met for the approved funding starting in 2013. Regional Development Agency (RDA) had gathered in the meeting room with the three applicants of new regional development projects which will be launched in 2013 and will be financed by the National Fund for Regional Development (NRD FUND). The meeting agenda included topics related to partnership agreements, implementing plans, establishing indicators and the regulation of the work for the project manager. All three projects fall under priority 1 of the strategy of regional development: rehabilitation of physical infrastructure.

 South Regional Development Agency will launch in 2013 three new regional development projects. All three have been selected for approval following the call of proposed projects carried out in the period March-July 2012. There are a total five projects in the implementation of the agenda for this year's South RDA that are financed by the National Fund for Regional Development. This is because two of the projects for implementation have been extended from 2012. The two projects from last year are the rehabilitation of the Rest and Recreation of Cahul Lacquer and Sports Tourism in Promoting the Image of the Region. The new 2013 projects are: The Road to the Memorial Museum, Alexei Mateevici in the village of Zaim and  Boosting  social and economic development of communities in the lower Dnieser road renovation L-510, ȘtefanVodă-Talmaza.

According to legal procedure applicants approved for funded projects starting in 2013 were informed about the stages of project implementation, the rights and obligations of each party, the degree of involvement of each partner, and any problems that may arise along the way.

ADR Director, Maria Culeșov, talked about the institution's experience in this area and about how important details are in such a process. It is important for each applicant to ask for necessary approvals from the competent bodies, to hold all the necessary documentation for the project and within the terms established originally implement the project on time.

The partnership agreement will be signed by the applicant, the partners, and ADR Sud. ADR Sud provides the tasks, rights and obligations of the beneficiary, the rights and obligations of the partners, the ownership of the assets acquired in the implementation of the project, the sustainability of the project, etc. The following steps have been established in the project implementation process and the responsibilities of each party.




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