43 million MDL Invested in the South Region during 2012







Within one year, the Ministry of Regional Development and Construction (MRDC), through the Regional Development Agency - South (RDA South), invested in the South Development Region around  1 440 200 lei from the National Regional Development Fund (NFRD) and 2 270 560 lei from the Romanian Government money distributed through the German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ). The largest part from this money was invested in the construction of the access road Dimitrova-Acui - 14 684 000 lei and in the Sports Complex in Causeni - 14 703 730 thousand lei.
Considerable funds were invested also in water supply and sewerage systems, rehabilitation of tourist infrastructure and solid waste management systems. Simultaneously with these projects' implementation, the South Regional Development Agency has conducted a variety of activities designed to support the process of updating the Regional Development Strategy for the South region, has deployed the second call for project proposals, has organized the Regional Development Investment Forum, which took place at Purcari in October 2012 and has initiated the process of developing regional sectoral plans for three areas in need of intervention. The Regional Development Agency-South managed to use effectively 105% ??? of the amount allocated to the South region for 2012. Thus the regional development process becomes more edvident withing the country and accordingly provides conditions for future essential investments in priority sectors of the Regional Development Strategy.

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