Three million MDL for the Municipal “Water and Sewarage„ Cahul Company

The municipal company "Water and Sewarage", Cahul will be renovated and re-equipped until the end of this year. The institution is the beneficiary of the implemented pilot project "Operational Management Improvement of the 'Water and Sewarage', Cahul Service Provider" as a part of the "Modernization of the Local Public Services in the Republic of Moldova" project, implemented with the support of the German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ). 

The pilot project, "Operational Management Improvement of the 'Water and Sewarage' Cahul Service Provider" is funded by GIZ Moldova's  funds and accounts for repair works of the controling and the engineering sections, renovating them with newly purchased furniture, IT equipment and protective equipment for employees. The project also provides for the purchase of special equipment: for intervention and emergencies, for cesspool as well as a mini-excavator.The project is implemented by the South Regional Development Agency with the support of GIZ Moldova and is with a total cost of 3555427.5 MDL. Currently, the repair works have reached 52% and will be completed until the end of the year.

The municipal company „Water and Sewarage" Cahul is expected to become a model institution and its public service delivery techniques can set an example for all similar institutions in the country. These activities support the regionalization process of the water-and-sewarage delivery services. 

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