A Delegation from the Republic of Belarus Carried out a Study Visit to the Development Region South

On May 25, 2018, a delegation represented by civil society and public institutions from the Republic of Belarus, carried out a study visit at the Regional Development Agency South.

The visit aimed to study the experience of the Republic of Moldova in the field of interaction among sectors in drafting and implementing development programs and strategies at national, regional and local levels.

At the meeting, the director of the RDA South, Mrs Maria Culeşov, presented information on the functioning, attributions and directions of the development of agency, examples of projects and successful partnerships.

The meeting was interactive and the delegation representatives offered several questions in order to identify specific solutions for the Republic of Moldova that could be adapted to the challenges faced by the Republic of Belarus.

Then, the delegation carried out a visit to Căușeni town from the Development Region South and got acquainted with one of the most grandiose projects implemented by the Regional Development Agency: the Centre for Youth and Sport, which although being a regional one, is unique in the country and hosts not only local and regional competitions, but also national and international ones.

As a result of the undertaken study visits to the Republic of Moldova on 21-26 May 2018, the delegation from Belarus got acquainted with the progress of the post-Soviet reforms and the actual state in the field of public finances, anti-corruption, public-private partnerships, decentralization, e-democracy, cooperation among sectors and public dialogue.

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