Partnership Forum for the Potential Beneficiaries of the Joint Operational Programme Romania-Republic of Moldova 2014-2020

On March 14, the Joint Technical Secretariat Office from Iași, organized a partnership forum for potential beneficiaries of the Joint Operational Programme Romania - Moldova 2014-2020 in Chișinau. The goal of the event is to support the applicants from both countries in setting eligible partnerships for project proposals.

At the Forum, the potential beneficiaries were able to present their proposals of projects, in order to identify partners from Romania interested in the implementation of these plans in their communities. A first condition for benefitting from grants within the cross-border cooperation programme is that each accepted project will be implemented in localities from both countries: Romania (Botoșani, Iași, Vaslui, Galați counties) and in Moldova. The participants at the meeting have been also informed about technical aspects of working out and implementing the projects.

The programme budget is 89 million euros, 81 million is provided by EU through the European Neighborhood Instrument and other 8 million - by the partner countries. The money will be given in form of grants, to carry out projects on economic development, improve the citizens' living standards, through joint actions in education, culture, infrastructure and security.     

The two calls of project proposals, launched within the Joint Operational Programme Romania - Moldova 2014-2020, are active till May 2018. For their detailed description, including for information on eligibility rules, of submission and selection process, access the Applicant's Guide, which may be downloaded from the programme webpage or by accessing the following link:  

- for "hard" projects:

- for" soft" projects: .



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