Workshop in the field of regional planning for water supply and sewerage systems in the Southern development region

 March 19, Cimișlia. The second workshop in the field of regional planning for water supply and Sanitation (WSS) in the southern region.








A study by the World Bank in 2006, enumerated the successful factors of a water and sewer company:

1. Better managerial performance results from managerial autonomy.

  • The establishment of a framework of autonomy takes on the permanent responsibility to managers for their own performance and external audits;
  • Internal responsability obtains results from managers and staff;

2. A market-oriented structure

  • This encourages outsourcing.
  • Customer-oriented service;

3. A corporate culture of performance is ensured by a board directors or a separate council;

These are some of the factors that need to be incorporated by enterprises of municipal services for the local public authorities and managers. They may contribute to the gradual reform of the service and its extension. Likewise, the structure and form of organization is a pillar on which to build the success of a water and sewer company. These were some of the topics dealt with in the context of the second workshop in the field of regional planning of water supply and Sanitation (WSS) in the southern region.

The workshop's objective was to confirm the data on the current situation in the field of water and Sanitation (WSS) and to participate in a scenario concerning the development of services in the field of WSS at regional level by 2018. Also, the workshop took all of the aspects that must be taken into account in the process to identify project ideas that will work in the context of regional planning

The first workshop questioned the more theoretical aspects: project structure and main stages, the participants and the fence of involvement of each one. The Studio II was based more on practical examples, case studies, models, direct advice to existing problems and group work.

The workshop was moderated by Ms. Angela Dumitrașco, expert  in capacity development  in the project ,,Modernization of local public services", and was divided into three sessions: regional planning and the current situation in the field of WSS in the southern region; developing the vision to improve services in terms of regional WSS; Identifying and prioritizing projects in the field of WSS. Participants represented municipal enterprises, local authorities and Regional Councils from the Southern Region.

Simon Watt, an international expert in the field of water and Sanitation, specifically in the area of intervention, planning and regional programming, presented the plan and the strategy provisions regarding the services of WSS in 2007. Mr. Watt held to score the importance of direct suppliers of water and sewerage systems in creating a vision and to identify the primary problems that may be preventing the rebuilding and expansion of services. He explained that if the problems that arise do not present an easy solution then you can easily get the experience of neighboring countries that have made progress in this area.

The final result of the regional planning workshops will be to appropriate projects that will be submitted for European funds. Donors interested at the workshop were presented a few cases that could constitute the basis for future projects.

From 2010 the development Regions North, Centre and South have been actively involved in the initial processes of regional development for Councils (RDC) and ADR. This took place within the framework of a regional policy which has been drawn up by the Ministry of regional development and construction.

The three areas of intervention include water and sewage, waste management and energy efficiency of public buildings. For each field there is a working group which, together with the specialists of ADR and national and international experts, will participate in the process of elaboration sector plans. This process will be completed by the end of the year 2015.

The workshops in regional planning in the WSS represent a continuation of regional planning for the management of solid waste and energy efficiency of public buildings. The workshops using the participation principle for the "modernization of local public services," are supported by the Ministry of Regional Development and Construction, and ADR for the process of regional planning in WSS. In specialized workshops this process focuses on the training of representatives of working group, as well as other actors interested in making decisions on the level of service desired. The workshops are organized in the three regions of the Republic of Moldova and will contribute to plan for capacity building at regional and local levels.


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