New work activities for the Associaton of waste management in the RDS

Members of the Association for the management of waste from the Southern development region met in open court Tuesday, February 19, to discuss the work plan for the year 2013. Following the successful outcome of the first stage of the organization's registration, members have agreed on the next steps of work for the Association. The meeting also discussed the process of sensitizing the population of the southern region with respect to sanitation services as well as the promotion intercommunications for the field of waste management. 

The first step in the activity process of the Association has been successfully completed by the official record on 4 January 2013. The waste management association in RDS is a non-governmental organization which is composed of nonpolitical territorial units. This represents a first for the Republic of Moldova. The association intends to complete the provisions of the strategy for integrated management of waste in the Southern development region. The model followed by the southern region under the auspice of the project coordinators, East Government Waste-IEVP, and South Regional Development Agency comes to combat with the most acute problem facing  the 8 rural counties of the South Region, environmental pollution.

The meeting had as its main purpose the activity plan for 2013. Under the new plan, approved in the previous period, members had the task to create a working team responsible for the activities of the secretary. Also, to create conditions for the  development of qualitative and sustainable projects in the sector of MDS and  RDS with regard to sanitation services. The Association's President, Tatiana Èšurcan indicated that the plane is thorough and covers sensitive subjects that concern all the local and regional administrations in the South.

Ministry of regional development and Construction was represented by Igor Malai. He is the Deputy Head of the Directorate-General for regional development. He talked about the importance of the organizations RDS for the Ministry of Regional Development and Construction. He is particularly inerested in the success of these organizations, because they are the first in the Republic of Moldova who has put in motion a cooperative effort to combat a  problem. Their example could be taken over by other regions of the country. "

 Tatiana Èšugui, national coordinator of the project, the  East Government waste-ENPI, spoke during the meeting about the achievements of the project which are to establish a strategic vision for the development of waste management for national and regional levels. ,,During the last year of the project implementation we will further provide support for strengthening the institutional capacities of the Association of waste management. We will do this by overseeing feasibility studies for construction of regional warehouses and transfer stations that develop regional projects for sanitation services in the southern region".


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