Drinking Water for Four Communities in the Cahul Rayon

Cahul, 21 august. The RDA South has completed two projects for regional development. The Ministry of Regional Development and Construction, together with the Regional Development Agency South (RDA South), finished two regional development projects which will provide drinking water for four communities in the Cahul rayon - Manta, Crihana Veche, Pașcani and Roșu. On Tuesday, August 21, the committees for final acceptance of the work of the project "Clean water for the communities along the Prut river" and for the final approval of the completion works on the project "Drinking Water Supply for the Roșu Residents", Cahul rayon met.

The committees of entrepreneurs, representatives of RDA South, local public authorities, technical managers and representatives of the municipal enterprise "Apă Canal", Cahul, presented in general the work done in regard to schedule and applied technologies.

In the case of final acceptance of the "Clean water for the communities along the Prut river" project, were red the minutes of the meeting on the final work approval. The approval committee announced that detected inconsistencies were removed and declared that the project ready to function. At the meeting opening, the RDA South director, Maria Culeșov, spoke of the difficulties encountered during tha project implementation and how necessary was such a system that provides people with drinking water, vital for a healthy life. The mayor of the Manta community, Ion Neagu, wanted to make a point and said, "At first, we were confused about what to do, we had another idea presented but with time, we discovered the right process of implementing a regional development project, which is a very complex one".

In the case of the approval of the final work on the "Drinking Water Supply for the Roșu Residents" project, the committee had registered several irregularities and set a deadline of 30 days to remove them. The Mayor of the Roșu community declared that more than 50% of the population accepted the technical conditions for initiating the procedure of branching the newly built system: "This is the community project and not of the mayor, I participated with all in the implementation process and we got a result." After the branching work, the contractor is to to complete the repair work of the damaged asphalt cover.

Note that in both cases the problem of connecting the citizens to the system is a persistent one and impedes the connection process to the centralized water supply system of the city of Cahul. In this respect, the LPA representatives will organize campaigns to inform the citizenry about the four communities in southern Moldova.

The project "Clean water for the communities along the Prut river" has provided adequate infrastructure and sustainable water supply for the communities Manta, Pașcani and Crihana Veche through the expanding the centralized water supply system of the city of Cahul and has increased the public access to these services. The project's worth of 18,718,350.00 MDL was financed by the National Fund for Regional Development.

The "Drinking Water Supply for the Roșu Residents" project created conditions for providing with drinking water to the 3700 residents of the village of Roșu. The project is funded by the Romanian Government through the German Agency for International Cooperation. In the process, were installed 12.5 km infrastructure, 2 pressure maintaining stations ???, 5 water supply stations for the state fire departments.



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