The South Region will have a sports complex in Căușeni
  • Applicant - Căușeni District Council
  • Total value - 28 261 000 lei 
  • Required from NRD FUND - 21 315 000 lei
  • Implementation period - 17 months; June 2011 - November 2012
  • A project financed from the National Fund for regional development with a contribution by the Căușeni Raion Council.

The project, strengthening regional cooperation between Raions Căușeni, Cimișlia, and Ștefan Voda will increase competitiveness by promoting healthy lifestyles, preparing competitive athletes, and by providing services for sports tourism within the Youth Sports Center building in the Orașul Căușeni, was accepted for funding in 2011. The major events held in the sports complex will stimulate sports tourism. In time, this will contribute to the development of the infrastructure and the related segments that are promoting the entire region. The project extends the notion of health through sports, and offers the possibility of a healthy way of life to about 50,000 regional inhabitants from the neighboring Raions of Ștefan Voda and Cimișlia.High performance athletes and future champions and will have the opportunity to practice various sports in a facility that has performance equipment.  In addition to the training center, the construction provides for a competitive swimming pool arena with a capacity of 300 seats, a fitness room and toilets.

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