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The bypass of Cahul municipality, rehabilitated from the National Fund for Regional Development, is inaugurated

27.04.2018   3684 Views  

Cahul, April 27, 2018

The Spirin Street in Cahul, which connects the national roads R34 Hâncești-Leova-Cahul-Slobozia Mare, M3 Chișinau-Cimișlia-Vulcănești-Giurgiulești-România, R38 Vulcănești-Cahul-Taraclia with several rural localities from these districts, has been inaugurated. 2.61 km of road was rehabilitated and modernized within a regional development project, aimed at making goods and passenger transportation more efficient in the Southern Region of the Republic of Moldova by improving road infrastructure.

The event was attended by Mr Liviu Volconovici, the Minister of Agriculture, Regional Development and Environment, Mrs Elena Bacalu, deputy in the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova, Mrs Maria Culeşov, the Director of the Regional Development Agency South, the heads of the local public administration of the municipality and Cahul district, as well as mass media.

Mr Liviu Volconovici, the Minister of Agriculture, Regional Development and Environment, said: "I am glad to participate today at the inauguration of this piece of road, although it is only two kilometres and 600 meters long, will have a positive impact on 41,000 citizens from Cahul town, 187,000 citizens from Taraclia and Vulcănești districts, which will benefit of comfortable access to R34, R38 and M3 national roads, especially for hundreds of drivers who daily cross the Cahul-Oancea border crossing point.  Certainly, any project implemented by the ministry has the objective of building the future at home. The opening of the road will give impetus to economic cooperation between localities and will contribute to the development of social relations. We aim to deepen our bilateral cooperation relations and increase development for the other villages and localities of neighbouring districts."

Present at the inauguration ceremony of Spirin Street in Cahul, Mrs Elena Bacalu, deputy in the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova, particularly proud of the success of her natives: "We have to admit that, although major investments in infrastructure have been made, however, the situation of roads, especially during winter, remains one of the most pressing problems of the Development Region South. Today, after years, we have been able to do important things for the citizens of Cahul, and also neighbouring districts. An impractical road that looks like a new one, improving the access of citizens and creating prerequisites for a harmonious economic development of Cahul as a growth pole and for neighbouring districts and localities, is done due to the support of the Regional Development Agency South and finance from the National Fund for Regional Development. 

Then, Mr Nicholas Dandis, the Mayor of Cahul, said: "This route is of a regional importance and brings benefits to Cahul districts and to Cantemir, Vulcănești and Taraclia districts too, as it is a bypass. We will not have heavy-duty cars in the centre of the city, but we will have the bypass - Spirin Street, a national road connection point."

Mrs Maria Culeşov, the Director of the RDA South, congratulated the citizens of Cahul with this important achievement: ”I would like to mention to those present that this section of the road was built in the framework of a regional development project which included the capital repair of the Spirin street, the access to 123 courtyards, the pavement improvement, cleaning and repairing of the pluvial water collection system, repairing of 97 rainwater fountains, embankment works as well as application of road markings and the installation of road signs. Ivan Spirin is the main road of the northern area of ​​Cahul municipality and also the northern bypass, connecting the national roads. Thus, we hope that the implementation of this project will increase the number of jobs in the region, economic growth, and make the region more attractive for foreign donors”.

We would like to mention the Spirin street is a way to pass by Cahul city giving access to cars and trucks to Taraclia and Vulcănești.

The „Rehabilitation and Modernization of the Regional Importance Road- Ivan Spirin Street from Cahul city" project started in 2014, being implemented by the RDA South in partnership with Cahul mayoralty together with Cahul, Taraclia and Vulcănești district councils. 2.6 km of road was repaired, with adjoining sidewalks due to this project implementation. The total cost of the project is about 37 million MDL, financed from the National Fund for Regional Development. The overall objective of this project is to increase the efficiency of freight and passenger transport in the Region South of the Republic of Moldova by improving the road infrastructure.

This project generates more effects and a positive impact on the South Development Region by increasing employment and stimulating overall economic development, making the region more attractive for foreign donors.

After commissioning of the repaired street, 41,000 of citizens of Cahul city, national and international hauliers crossing the ”Cahul-Oancea” border checkpoint - about 500 heavy tonnage cars per month to Oancea - FEZ Taraclia, about 200 monthly transport units from Oancea to FEZ Vulcănești, as well as more than 100 people  daily crossing the border heading toward the districts from Region South, as well as 187,000 citizens - the population of Taraclia and Vulcănești district will have benefits.