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Eu Project “Waste Governance – Enpi East„„ In The Republic Of Moldova Organizes The First Regional Seminar In Project Pilot Area

20.05.2010   2427 Accesări  

On Thursday, May 20th, 2010, EU-funded regional project “Waste Governance – ENPI East” organizes the first regional seminar in Rayonal Council Cimislia dedicated to launch of its activities in project pilot area, with the participation of representatives of local and special public authorities from Southern Region of the Republic. 

The seminar envisages launching project activities in pilot area, to present the objectives and expected results as well to converse on current situation on waste management in the region. Within the frames of seminar the Methodology on conducting inventory of Municipal Solid Waste dumps will be presented along with the discussion upon the current status of MSW dumps within the region.

EU-funded regional project “Waste Governance – ENPI East” aims at assisting through technical co-operation and support the partner countries in their efforts to reduce the risks arising from inappropriate management of wastes, that thereby create environmental pollution hazards to the community and to natural resources, through co-operation with, and amongst, partner states in the region.

The project is implemented by the Consortium headed by Eptisa (a leading Spanish international consultancy). Other members of the Consortium are Project Management Group (Ireland), Fichtner (Germany), PlanMiljo (Denmark), Regional Environmental Centre for the Caucasus (Georgia), and Wasteaware (United Kingdom).

The main Project Partners in Moldova are the Ministry of Environment and at regional level Regional Development Agency - South. The total budget of the regional project is EURO 5.9 mil (94.4 mil MDL).

 Contact person: Mrs Tatiana Tugui ( Project’s Country Coordinator for Moldova, Cosmonăuților Str. 9, of. 736, MD-2005, Chișinău, Republica Moldova Tel/Fax:(+373 22) 22-45-42