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Results of the 2018 year: 104, 21 million MDL spent by the RDA South for the implementation of regional development projects

18.01.2019   1411 Views  

In 2018, the total value of investments in the Development Region South was 104.21 million MDL, of which 40.215 million MDL were allocated from the National Fund for Regional Development (NFRD), other 64 million MDL - foreign sources.

 By using the specified sum, the RDA South implemented in 2018 several regional development projects included in the Single Programming Document 2017-2020, approved for funding by the National Coordination Council for Regional Development (NCCRD), as well as projects funded by foreign partners through the German Federal Enterprise for International Cooperation(GIZ).

Most of the regional development projects funded from the NFRD were launched in 2017. Important financial resources to regional and local road infrastructure projects, water supply and sewerage, energy efficiency of public buildings and business infrastructure development were allocated.

Projects funded from the NFRD and from foreign sources

 During the reference period, the institution has been implementing 13 investment projects, including 6 projects financed from the National Fund for Regional Development and 7 projects financed by the European Union through the "Modernization of the Local Public Services in the Republic of Moldova" project, implemented by the German Federal Enterprise for International Cooperation (GIZ).

The Regional Development Agency South made a hard work and has managed to fully use 40.215 million MDL, allocated from the National Fund for Regional Development (NFRD) for the implementation of 6 regional development projects in the Development Region South. From external sources, allocated by the development partners - the Federal Government of Germany, the Government of Switzerland, the Government of Romania, the EU, etc., within other investment measures, 64 million MDL for construction and design works were spent.

One of the large-scale projects implemented by the RDA South in 2018 is the construction of the Leova-Iargara main pipeline, which started in January 2018. This one was carried out with the support of the Federal Government of Germany, the National Fund for Regional Development and the involvement of the Leova District Council.

Due to this project of about 61 million MDL, the main aqueduct network of 22.9 km, two pumping stations and a repumping station were built. Also, the treatment plant was modernized, two underground water tanks rehabilitated and were built two above ground tanks, made of metallic panels, of 800 m3 capacity each of them.

The newly built pipeline is expected to supply with potable water 28 localities from Leova district. At the first stage, Iargara and Leova towns were connected to the aqueduct, at the second stage - Filipeni, Romanovca and Cupcui villages. The connection of the all localities is planned for the end of 2020. The newly built aqueduct will bring benefits to more than 20 thousand citizens in the South Region of Moldova, providing them access to modern water supply and sewerage services.

With the RDA South contribution, a road of 3.86 km within the "Construction of the inter-communal road Feşteliţa-Marianca de Jos - Ştefan Vodă and its connection to the national road R30 Chişinău - Căuşeni - Ukraine Border" project was built, its value being 19.15 million MDL. Within another project, which aims the "Development of the business infrastructure by connecting localities and local roads on the Corridor 20 - DR South, R34-Sîrma-Tomai-Sărăteni-Hîrtop - to the national road network", 3.1 km of road was built and 2,5 of road located in Hîrtop village, Cimișlia district, was rehabilitated.

Within "Thermal rehabilitation of the Cantemir District Hospital" project, measures of renovation of the roof of the surgical block, carpentry and thermal insulation of façade have been executed. The investment of 12.6 million MDL from the state budget, brings to the patients of the mentioned institution access to hot water non-stop and a higher degree of comfort regarding the conditions of hospitalization and medical assistance.

Another project on which in 2018 the RDA South team focused on, is the construction of the sewerage system in the Traian valley sector and the modernization of the treatment plant from Căuşeni town.

The construction works of the sewerage system of 8.9 km length were completed, 8.39 million MDL being spent, including 1.5 million MDL from the Căuşeni district budget. In 2019, the modernization works of 54.0 million MDL for the treatment plant in Căuşeni will be launched.

During this year, the RDA South managed to contribute to creating opportunities for investment attractiveness in the Development Region South economy by using 1 million MDL allocated from the National Fund for Regional Development for the construction of the networks and landscaping at the Căuşeni Branch of the Balti Free Economic Zone.

The project's value, for which work has been started, is about 18.6 million MDL, of which 10,120.18 thousand MDL - sources from the NFRD, and 8.5 million MDL - the contribution of the local public administration, the Căuşeni district council.

In 2018, the RDA South succeeded, together with Italian partners, to train about 35 bakers and patissiers, giving them qualification certificates and the possibility of staying at home, near their families, by initiating or expanding a business here, in Moldova.

With the European Union support, the RDA South, in cooperation with the "Modernization of the Local Public Services in the Republic of Moldova" project , implemented by the German Federal Enterprise for International Cooperation (GIZ), contributed to the elaboration of the Local Program for the Improvement of Energy Efficiency and Local Action Plan for Energy Efficiency of Basarabeasca District for the 2019-2021 years, within the "Increasing Energy Efficiency of the "Matei Basarab" Theoretical Lyceum in Basarabeasca" investment measure.

For the 2019 year, the RDA South in partnership with the Ministry of Agriculture, Regional Development and Environment will continue to work as closely as possible with the German Federal Enterprise for International Cooperation (GIZ), undertaking more investment measures in the areas of rehabilitation and modernization of water supply and sanitation infrastructure, energy efficiency of public buildings within the project "Modernization of the Local Public Services in the Republic of Moldova" (MLPS), financed by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), the European Union, the Government of Romania, the Government Sweden and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC).

The institution will also cooperate with the Ministry of Environment and Regional Development of Latvia, the Ministry of Investment and Development of the Republic of Poland, the KfW Development Bank, the Development Agency South Muntenia from Romania, the Czech Development Agency as well as other international partners. In this respect, a number of agreements have already been signed and several joint action plans have been developed.

As for the 2018 year, the main strategic objectives of the RDA South for the current year remain to be ensuring the access to qualitative public services and utilities, facilitating balanced and sustainable economic growth by promoting the tourism, socio-economic potential of the Development Region South and attracting investment. The institution also aims to strengthen regional governance, intending to cooperate more closely with the local governments of both levels, the civil society sector and the business environment from the region.