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The construction works of the local networks of aqueduct in Lebedenco commune, Cahul district are initiated. More than 2 thousand citizens of the Lebedenco, Hutulu and Ursoaia villages will have access to drinking water

16.01.2019   751 Views  

On January 15, 2019, the construction works of the local water supply networks of the Lebedenco, Hutulu and Ursoaia villages in the Cahul district started by signing the minutes granting the right of access and temporary assignment of the site to the contractor - the consortium led by "Polimer Gaz Conducte" LLC, the design company - "Fluxproiect" LLC and the company providing technical supervision services for the project works - "Verluxcons" LLC.

A meeting was held in Cahul with the participation of representatives of the RDA South, the regional advisor from the German Federal Enterprise for International Cooperation (GIZ), the representatives of the Cahul District Council and Lebedenco Mayoralty, the general contractor, the project manager, the manager of the "Apă Canal Cahul" and other stakeholders.

Mr Nicolae Cotruta, specialist in elaborating, implementing and monitoring of the projects at the RDA South, informed those present about the signing, by the RDA South and "Verluxcons" LLC of the contracts for providing  technical supervision services within construction of the Cahul-Lebedenco-Pelinei-Gavanoasa-Vulcanesti (villages) - Alexandru Ioan Cuza main pipeline and the local networks of the Lebedenco, Hutulu, Ursoaia, Pelinei, Satuc, Gavanoasa, Vladimirovca and Nicolaevca villages from Cahul district.  According to the national law in the field of construction, this allows the initiation of the works within the mentioned project.

The investment measure is implemented by the Regional Development Agency (RDA) South, jointly with the German Federal Enterprise for International Cooperation (GIZ), within the "Construction of the Cahul-Lebedenco-Pelinei-Gavanoasa-Vulcanesti-Alexandru Ioan Cuza main aqueduct and of the local networks in Lebedenco, Pelinei, Gavanoasa. I-st Stage, I-st and II-nd Phases" project.

The financial support for the investment measure if offered by the Government of Switzerland (47 mil MDL) through GIZ. The beneficiaries ensure co-finance for the construction works of the local aqueduct networks of about 1.7 mil MDL.

Within this project, 11 km of main aqueduct, two above ground tanks of 800 m3 capacity each of them, 25.2 km of local drinking water supply networks and 884 manholes will be installed, which will ensure the connection to the aqueduct for all households from the mentioned villages.

This activity is carried out within the project "Modernization of the Local Public Services in the Republic of Moldova", implemented by the German Federal Enterprise for International Cooperation(GIZ) in partnership with the Ministry of Agriculture, Regional Development and Environment and financially supported by the European Union, the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), the Government of Sweden, the Government of Romania and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC).

The mentioned project aims to contribute to the implementation of the water supply and sewerage development initiative and the implementation of the Social-Economic Development Strategy of the Cahul District, the water supply and sewerage component.