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One more meeting of the Working Group on Public Procurement in the field of Water Supply and Sewerage

02.10.2018   1311 Views  

On October 2, the Working Group on Public Procurement in the field of Water Supply and Sewerage held 2 meetings in Cimislia. The first meeting was carried out within "Connection of individual houses to the centralized sewerage system in Rosu village" investment measure, within the project" "Improvement of Water and Sewerage Services in Cahul District". The working group examined and approved the changes made within the investment measure. This one is financed by the Government of Romania through GIZ (190,000 Euro) and the contribution of Rosu village citizens (about 500,000 MDL). The investment measure brings benefit to 442 households, 135 apartments of 3 residential blocks from Roşu village, Cahul district.

The tender documentation was approved, the qualification requirements for the economic operators, participants at the public tender for the procurement of technical responsible services for the investment measure "Cahul - Lebedenco - Pelinei - Gavanoasa - Vulcanesti (villages) - Alexandru Ioan Cuza pipeline and the local networks of Lebedenco, Hutulu, Ursoaia, Pelinei, Satuc, Gavanoasa, Vladimirovca and Nicolaevca villages" Stage I, Phase I, were established.

The investment measure is financed by Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) / / 2,2 million Euro and implemented by GIZ within "Modernization of Local Public Services in the Republic of Moldova" (MLPS) project. By implementing the first stage of the projects, will be built about 11 km of central pipeline and about 25 km of local aqueduct network for Lebedenco, Hutulu and Ursoaia localities. The beneficiaries of the project are 2665 citizens, which will have access to drinking water.