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Technical documentation for the project aimed at improving the water supply of the Iargara, Filipeni, Romanovca and Cupcui localities in Leova district has been adjusted

16.08.2018   721 Views  

The Public Procurement Working Group on Rehabilitation and Extension of Water Supply and Sewerage Systems, set up additionally in the RDA South, has recently approved some adjustments to the design documentation in the technical execution project aimed at improving the services water supply of the Iargara, Filipeni, Romanovca and Cupcui localities in the Leova district. 

According to the experts from RDA South, recommendations of the design company "Fluxproiect" SRL and international experts from the GIZ Construction Department in Eschborn, Germany, the adjustments were necessary for the correct dimensioning of the entire water supply system in the city of Iargara, with the subsequent connection of Băiuş, Cociulia Nouă, Borogani, Meşeni, Tigheci, Cuporani and the wine factory from the mentioned locality. The meetings aimed at discussing and presenting optimal solutions for solving some problems and for good implementation of the  projects mentioned above. 

Thus, as a result of the harmonization of the design documentation in the technical execution project aimed at improving the water supply services of the Iargara, Filipeni, Romanovca and Cupcui localities in the Leova district, the water supply of the city of Iargara has to be made up of two existing water reservoirs with the volume of 700 m3 each.

At the same time, in order to provide the consumers of the town of Iargara with quality water according to GD no. 934 of 15.08.2007 on the establishment of the Automated Information System "State Register of Natural Mineral Waters, drinking water and Bottled Soft Drinks", the water from the existing water tanks will be chlorinated with sodium hypochlorite.

Also, the project documentation provides for the linking of the consumers from the mentioned locality to the projected water distribution networks up to the property boundary.

Referring to the Filipeni village, according to the project documentation, the citizens will be provided with water from two existing water reservoirs of 200 m3 each and those in Romanovca will be provided with water from two existing water reservoirs with a volume of 50 m3 each.

At the same time, the project documentation will also provide for two-line design of the water supply for Sărata Nouă village and the localities of Cluster C in Leova district, a pipeline being dimensioned for 1/3 of the maximum flow and the second - for 2/3 of the maximum flow rate.

In the following, the Southern RDA, together with the project "Modernizing Local Public Services in the Republic of Moldova" (MSPL), implemented by the International Cooperation Agency of Germany (GIZ), will organize a working meeting with mayors of localities whose interests are tangent to the design of the technical execution project concerned.