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The Provider for Design Services in The Field of Energy Efficiency Increase for „Matei Basarab" Lyceum, Basarabeasca Town is Designated

18.06.2018   1000 Views  

On Monday, 18.06.2018, in Cimișlia took place the meeting of the working group on public procurement for approving the evaluation report of the Evaluation Committee of the PB for the acquisition of design services in increasing energy efficiency for „Constantin Spătaru Lyceum” from Leova and „Matei Basarab Lyceum” from Basarabeasca.

The members of the working group decided to approve the tender and to award the acquisition contract to the consortium SRL Arhideea Grup and Conado Design SRL for design services in the field of energy efficiency increase for "Constantin Spataru" Theoretical Lyceum in Leova (LOT SE 1), its value being 1 335 000,00 (one million three hundred thirty-five thousand MDL), VAT Rate = 0%. Subsequently, signing the contract with the winning entrepreneur follows.


The ”Modernization of Local Public Services” (MLPS) project is implemented by the German Federal Enterprise for International Cooperation (GIZ) in partnership with the Ministry of Agriculture, Regional Development and Environment of the Republic of Moldova and financially supported by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), European Union, Government of Sweden, Government of Romania and Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC).