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The Contracts for the Procurement of Services for Developing of the Technical Execution Documentation for the Projects which Aim to Improve Access to Drinking Water and Sewage Services in Leova District, Financed by EU, Were Signed

19.04.2018   600 Views  

On April 19, the Regional Development Agency South (RDA South) signed the contracts for procurement services for the developing of the technical execution documentation with the winner of the public tenders - "Fluxproiect" LLC. The contracts are for the projects: "Expansion of the sewerage system in Leova town; construction of waste water pumping station in Leova town" and "Improvement of water supply services of Iargara, Filipeni, Romanovca and Cupcui localities from Leova district". The decision was made by the procurement working group (Decision no. 01/18 dated 3 April, 2018) according to the GIZ Regulation in Moldova in the field of public procurement, adapted to the EU PRAG conditions.

One of the two contracts is for developing the project documentation regarding to the extension of the sewerage system and the construction of the wastewater pumping station in Leova town.

With the same company, the RDA South signed another contract for purchasing services of developing project documentation to improve the drinking water supply services of Iargara, Filipeni, Romanovca and Cupcui localities from Leova district.

These infrastructure projects provide improved access to drinking water and sewerage services in localities of Leova district.

Beneficiaries of these projects:

  • 18,750 citizens from 5 localities from Leova district;
  • WSS service operator: "Apa-Canal Leova" JSC;
  • Leova District Council.
  • City halls of Leova, Iargara, Filipeni, Cupcui and Romanovca.


  • Ministry of Agriculture, Regional Development and Environment;
  • Regional Development Agency South;
  • Leova District Council;
  • City halls of Leova, Iargara, Filipeni, Cupcui and Romanovca.

Estimated project value and partner contribution:

  • 4,50 million EUR - EU contribution;

Expected outputs:

  • More than 10,000 citizens connected to improved water supply and sewerage services;
  • 52.4 km of local aqueduct network; 9,8 km of sewerage network;
  • A built-up wastewater pumping station.


These projects are financed by EU within "Modernization of Local Public Services in the Republic of Moldova" (MLPS), implemented by the German Federal Enterprise for International Cooperation (GIZ) in partnership with the Ministry of Agriculture, Regional Development and Environment of the Republic of Moldova and financially supported by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), the Government of Romania, the Government of Sweden and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC).