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The Local Authorities and Entrepreneurs from the Development Region South trained to develop viable project concepts in business infrastructure development

12.03.2018   715 Views  

The Regional Sectorial Working Group for the Business Infrastructure Development in the Development Region South met again in Cimişlia on March 12. The meeting aimed to resume the work and consolidate the capacities in implementing the Regional Sectorial Program "DEVELOPMENT OF BUSINESS SUPPORT INFRASTRUCTURES", with the support of the Oxford Policy Management Experts.

The public policy document, outlining the vision and main development objectives of the region's economy for the next seven years was drafted in June 2016- June 2017 period, within the project "Support for facilitating the economic growth of the Development Regions South and ATU Găgăuzia", funded by the UK Government from Good Governance Fund sources through DFID (The Department for International Development).

Currently, within another project - "Strengthening the Implementation Capacities of the Regional Sectorial Program for the DEVELOPMENT OF BUSINESS SUPPORT INFRASTRUCTURES", is in progress till July 2018, in the Development Regions Centre, South and ATU Găgăuzia. A series of training workshops for LPAs of I and II levels were launched to improve their capacity to develop new viable project concepts, that can be submitted within open calls and ongoing funding programs.

During the nominated period, with the participation of the RDA South specialists and Oxford Policy Management experts, the Regional Sectorial Working Group for the Development of Business Infrastructure in the Development Region South, will carry out an inventory of project ideas. Then, 6 viable conceptual notes aiming to create premise for the economic growth of the south area of the Republic of Moldova will be elaborated.

Then, having a well-developed regional project portfolio, the experts will negotiate with the development partners to ensure the financing of the projects in the economic field.

Mrs Maria Culeşov, the Director of the RDA South, being present at the first meeting of the Regional Sectorial Working Group this year, noted that balanced and sustainable development is one of the objectives of the Regional Development Strategy South for 2016-2020 years, which implies a specific objective - economic growth. That's why, the UK Government's support from the Good Governance Fund sources, through DFID is welcomed, especially in the context where the South Region continues to be underdeveloped.

"Our project objective is to support you in developing business infrastructure and increasing the attractiveness of the regions for investors by creating and diversifying infrastructure to international standards, and developing business environment at regional level," said Mrs Despina Pascal, the Oxford Policy Management expert.