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The International Experts Monitor the Construction Works of the Leova-Iargara Aqueduct

24.01.2018   2228 Views  


Collaboration and cooperation - are two main pillars the actors involved in the implementation of the large-scale regional project base on. They aim to build the Leova-Iargara aqueduct, to modernize the local public services and ensure the access of over 20,000 citizens from the Development Region South to quality water supply and sewerage services.

In order to ensure the smooth running of the recently started works within this project, the representatives of the Regional Development Agency South, as the implementing institution of the main financer - the German Federal Enterprise for International Cooperation and of the beneficiary - the Leova District Council, have met in Leova. The contractor, project manager, technical responsible, national and international experts were also present at the meeting. According to the request of the financer, they have to monitor the performing and progress of the works during the implementation of this project.

The participants have discussed about their responsibilities and tasks, about the steps of a successful implementation of the project. They have also reported the problems they face and received recommendations from GIZ consultants and experts.

The experts have warned the economic operator about the strict compliance with the project documentation, the norms and volumes of the executed works, as well as with their compliance with the execution plan. At the same time, they have suggested to the district councils, who will assume the management of the newly built aqueduct, to take the necessary measures for a good collaboration and cooperation with the mayoralties that will later connect to the Leova-Iargara aqueduct.

Finally, Mr. Ion Gudumac, the Leova district chairman, thanked the German Federal Enterprise for International Cooperation and the Regional Development Agency South for their support and efforts in starting the works on the Leova-Iargara aqueduct project.

To launch this project, is a fulfilled dream of the Leova district administration. It aims to bring benefits to more than 20,000 citizens of Leova and Iargara towns, Filipeni, Romanovca, Sărata Nouă, Hanăsăseni Noi and Cupcui villages, by ensuring their access to modern water and sanitation services.

It worth mentioning that the "Construction of Leova-Iargara aqueduct project", of about 23.0 km length,  is a part of the "Modernization of the Local Water Supply Services (WSS) in Leova district" project, which is a component of another large scale project: "Modernization of Local Public Services in the Republic of Moldova" (MLPS), implemented by the German Federal Enterprise for International Cooperation (GIZ) in partnership with the Ministry of Agriculture, Regional Development and Environment of the Republic of Moldova and financially supported by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), the European Union, the Government of Romania, the Government of Sweden and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC).  

The total value of the contract is about 3 million Euros. 2, 4 million Euros are given by the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany through the German Federal Enterprise for International Cooperation (GIZ), other 600 thousand Euros by the National Fund for Regional Development and Leova District Council.