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The Construction of the Leova-Iargara Aqueduct Has Started

16.01.2018   3706 Views  

One month ago, the RDA South signed a contract with LLC "Polimer Gaz Conducte", the winner of the public tender procedure for the execution works within the "Construction of the Leova - Iargara aqueduct" project. The 2018 year begins with the initiation of the first works for the implementation of this important and large-scale project. This one will bring benefits to more than 20,000 citizens from the Development Region South by ensuring their access to modern water and sewerage services.

As a result, in order to ensure the smooth running of the works at the nominated project, the RDA South specialists together with GIZ consultants have recently carried out a monitoring visit to the construction site of the Leova-Iargara aqueduct.

In order to point out the responsibilities to be assumed and the concrete steps for near future, the representatives of the implementation institution and of the German Federal Enterprise for International Cooperation have organized, within the Leova District Council, a meeting for coordination of the actions that are expected to be undertaken by the general contractor "Polimer Gaz Conducte" LLC, according to the execution project.

The project manager and the technical responsible on the "Construction of the Leova-Iargara aqueduct", the representatives of the beneficiary (Leova District Council) and the contractor who committed to execute the works have also attended the meeting.

The participants have agreed to exactly respect approved regulations and standards in construction, thus, avoiding any deviations from the project documentation and ensuring a high quality of works. At the same time, the implementing partners opted for the maintenance of an effective communication and good cooperation during the project implementation period.

It worth mentioning that the "Construction of Leova-Iargara aqueduct" project is part of the "Modernization of the Local Water Supply Services (WSS) in Leova district" project.

The total value of the contract is about 3 million Euros. 2, 4 million Euros are given by the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany through the German Federal Enterprise for International Cooperation (GIZ), other 600 thousand Euros by the National Fund for Regional Development and Leova District Council.

The execution time of the contracted works is 9 months. Construction works will be monitored according to the national legislation in force, as well as by the international experts delegated by GIZ.

The Leova - Iargara aqueduct of about 23.0 km length will connect Leova and Iargara towns, Filipeni, Romanovca, Sărata Nouă, Hanăsăseni Noi and Cupcui villages. This project aims to bring benefits to those about 23,433 citizens from Leova district. 

The local partners of this project are the members of the initiative groups, the Local Public Administration (LPA) from Leova district, the Leova District Council, as well as "Apă-Canal Leova" JSC - the WSS provider in Leova town.


The project "Modernization of Local Public Services in the Republic of Moldova" (MLPS) is implemented by the German Federal Enterprise for International Cooperation (GIZ) in partnership with the Ministry of Agriculture, Regional Development and Environment of the Republic of Moldova and financially supported by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), the European Union, the Government of Romania, the Government of Sweden and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC).