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A new contract signed today will start the connection of the localities and local roads on the Corridor 20 - DR South, R34 - Sîrma-Tomai-Sărăteni-Hîrtop to the national road network - R3

24.07.2017   816 Views  

Today, July 24, 2017, Maria Culeşov, the Director of RDA South, Vladimir Medoni, the mayor of Hîrtop village, Cimislia District and Gheorghe Negură, the director of the "ACIT TRANS" LLC, signed the entrepreneurship contract for the execution of the works within the project "Development of the business infrastructure by connecting localities and local roads on the Corridor 20 - DR South, R34-Sîrma-Tomai-Sărăteni-Hîrtop - to the national road network".

This is the third contract signed this year by the RDA South for the implementation of one of the five projects from the DR South, included in the Single Programming Document through the Government Decision and approved for financing from the National Regional Development Fund starting with 2017.

The contract for the execution of the construction works for the local roads Sîrma-Tomai-Sarateni-Hîrtop and their connection to the R3 network was given to the "ACIT TRANS" LLC, the winner of the Public Bidding no. LP / 01822 from 26.06.2017, conducted by the RDA South within the nominated project.

Initially, according to the grant application, the estimated value of the established works was 45 066 000.00 lei, including VAT. As a result of the public procurement procedure, the value of the construction and assembly works, which are the object of the signed contract between the South Regional Development Agency, the Hall of the Hîrtop village and the "ACIT TRANS" LLC, decreased to 37,963,659.30 MDL, including VAT. Thus, by organizing the public bidding procedure, which is based on the economic principle of competition, the RDA South saved public money in the amount of 7 102 340.70 lei.

"ACIT TRANS" LLC, the winner of the public tender and hereafter the supplier, has undertaken the obligation to perform the works stipulated in the contract within 15 calendar months from the moment of registration of the contract at the Public Procurement Agency.

When the contract of execution is signed and registered at the Public Procurement Agency, the works start.

The beneficiaries of the project are about 2500 inhabitants of Hîrtop and Mereni villages, 8 public institutions, about 3000 inhabitants of Albina and Valea Perjei villages.

The outcomes of this project are:

  • 3.1 km of road Hîrtop-Mereni built;
  • 2.02 km of rehabilitated road from the center of Hîrtop - to the national road R3
  • 2-4 newly created permanent job-places (for the maintenance of the built road)

The implementation of this project is directly involved in ensuring a sustainable connectivity between the economically advanced localities of the South Development Region.