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The action which provides the elaboration of technical documentation of 18 WSS and EE in public buildings projects funded by the European Union, Formally launched

19.07.2017   788 Views  

On July 18, 2017, as a result of the Grant Agreement signed between the German International Cooperation Agency (GIZ) and the European Union (EU) Delegation in the Republic of Moldova on "Elaboration of the technical projects and tender documentation for construction works within selected projects related to the Water Supply and Sewerage (WSS) and Energy Efficiency (EE) in three Development Regions of the Republic of Moldova ", a launching meeting was held for the implementation of the EU-funded Action, which will be achieved through the project "Modernization of the Local Public Services in the Republic of Moldova" (MLPS).


The event was attended by representatives of the Ministry of Regional Development and Construction (MRDC), the Embassy of Germany in the Republic of Moldova, the EU Delegation in the Republic of Moldova, representatives of the Regional Development Councils (RDC), the heads of The Regional Development Agencies (RDAs), representatives of the Swiss Development and Cooperation Agency Council, Swedish Embassy in the Republic of Moldova, Austrian Development Agency (ADA), and  the „Modernization of the Local Public Services" project consultants.


Alexandr Muravschi, interim manager of the MLPS project: "Today, after a long training period, we officially launch the EU-funded Action, which provides the technical documentation elaboration of 18 WSS and EE in public buildings projects. The activities under this Action will be implemented by the Regional Development Agencies, supported by the MLPS project. However, several actors will be involved in the implementation of this Action. Today's meeting is the first of this kind and it is organized at national level. From tomorrow, meetings will be organized much more technical at the region level. "


Dorin Andros, State Secretary, Ministry of Regional Development and Construction: "On behalf of the MRDC, I want to give thanks to EU Delegation in the Republic of Moldova and to the international partners for financing this Action. It is a first step - which purpose is to prepare the technical documentation - but it is quite important and requires much responsibility. The terms are distinct narrow, and the responsibility is double, for the simple reason, because we have assumed the responsibility with GIZ not only to have the documents prepared in time, but also to be qualitative. "


Aneil Singh, Head of the Cooperation Section, EU Delegation in the Republic of Moldova: "Through this action and project, our goal is to achieve definite results for community. This project is of paramount importance and, as mentioned, it aims to develop investments documentation widely. There are two priority areas this project is directed, the supply of quality water and sanitation services, and the second, the energy efficiency of the public buildings. It is very important the aspect of the ownership and the involvement of local communities and civil society in the implementation of these 18 projects. Towards the first phase of this project - € 3.5 million - is necessary to act very quickly because there is a lot to be done. "


Ulrich Kleppmann, Head of the Cooperation and Economic Development Section, German Embassy in the Republic of Moldova: "Participation will be very important in the implementation of this Action. I see in this audience all the actors that will be involved and I have the confidence that due to the help of the MLPS partners and of the Republic of Moldova population we will be able to implement successfully what we have proposed. "


The total budget of the Action is € 3.5 million given by the European Union and € 325 thousand given by the German Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development. The Action will be implemented through the Regional Development Agencies with the support of the project "Modernization of Local Public Services in the Republic of Moldova" .The implementation period is 18 months The overall objective of the Action is to elaborate the technical documentation of the 18 selected projects: 10 in the field of supply with water and sewerage and 8 in the field of energy efficiency in public buildings.


It is worth mentioning that the European Union started co-financing the MLPS project since 2013.


The project "Modernization of Local Public Services in the Republic of Moldova" (MLPS) is implemented by the German International Cooperation Agency (GIZ) in partnership with the Ministry of Regional Development and Construction of the Republic of Moldova and financially supported by the German Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) , The European Union, the Government of Romania, the Government of Sweden and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC).

Source: www.serviciilocale.md