Prima   -  Presa   -  Noutăți - Expression of Interest for the tender no. 83261510 for the engagement of Civil Society Organizations in the delivery of local public services in four Development Regions (North, Centre, South and Gagauzia)

Expression of Interest for the tender no. 83261510 for the engagement of Civil Society Organizations in the delivery of local public services in four Development Regions (North, Centre, South and Gagauzia)

03.07.2017   486 Accesări  

The German Development Cooperation through GIZ is planning to engage Civil Society Organizations in the delivery of local public services in four Development Regions (North, Centre, South and Gagauzia) within its project "Modernisation of Local Public Services in the RM".

The main objective of CSOs will be to support the participation of citizens in local communities in planning, implementation and monitoring of investment projects in Water Supply and Sanitation, Energy Efficiency of Public Buildings Sectors, as well as inter-municipal cooperation and awareness raising measures for the development of projects in Solid Waste Management Sector.

CSOs shall offer the citizens of the involved Local Public Administrations state-of-the-art tools and modalities for meaningful participation in public debates, multi-stakeholder planning, awareness raising, and monitoring of procurement, construction and on-going service delivery.

The financing modality of the implementation of the assignment is via Local Subsidies awarded to Civil Society Organizations experienced in the domain and registered in the Republic of Moldova. Civil Society Organizations are encouraged to form consortiums or partnerships including local Civil Society Organizations. Detailed conditions with regard to the establishment of consortiums and application modality can be found in the Terms of reference prepared for this purpose.

As an initial stage of pre-selection, the qualified Civil Society Organizations are being requested to express their interest in the implementation of the assignment and Local Subsidy accordingly, by submitting the following set of documents:

-       Letter of interest, describing shortly Civil Society Organization's previous experience and interest in the above implementation. Same is valid for consortiums that, additionally, shall stipulate the advantage of the setup proposed;

-       CSO overview (profile), including experience in the area; team members and their main qualifications (CVs); contact data, persons responsible for the assignment implementation and coordination. In case of consortiums, an individual profile shall be presented per each CSO, while the profile of the CSO in charge of the agreement shall clearly stipulate the distribution of activities and the level of responsibility of each CSO within the consortium;

-       Copy of the CSO registration certificate in the Republic of Moldova, any available license, permit, professional qualification certificate available. In case of consortiums, each CSO shall have its own set of legal documents presented;

-       CSO bank data, including bank name, code and IBAN in MDL. In case of consortiums, the bank data shall be presented only for the CSO in charge, since disbursements will be made only to the bank account of the CSO responsible for the agreement implementation;

-       No-debt certificate issued by the Moldovan Tax Inspection or copy of the latest financial report. In case of consortiums, each CSO shall have its own set of financial viability documents presented.

One individual Civil Society Organizations/Consortia will be selected for each Development Region (Lot 1 - North, Lot 2 - Centre, Lot 3 - South and Lot 4 - Gagauzia). Each Civil Society Organizations/Consortia can apply for up to 2 of the 4 lots specified in the Terms of Reference.

An information session will be organized on 11 July 2017 at the Jolly Alon Hotel (mun. Chisinau, 37 Maria Cibotari Str., Sala de Marmora, 1st floor) from 10:00 till 13:00.

The interested representatives of Civil Society Organizations are invited to submit their expression of interest (including the copy of documents mentioned above), request the detailed Terms of reference mentioned above, as well as confirm their participation at the information session by sending a written e-mail to not later than 7 July 2017, time 17:00.

The complete set of documents in original, including the technical and financial offers:

  • Original technical offer corresponding to the conditions and requirements established in the ToR, and prepared based on the template provided by GIZ (in a separate sealed envelope). Please attach project references to demonstrate previous experience which shall include the names and contact details of the funding organizations. In case of consortiums, the plan of activities shall be broken per CSOs, as well:
  • Original financial offer in MDL, based on the template provided by GIZ (in a separate sealed envelope). In case of consortiums, the budget shall be broken per CSOs as well.

shall be submitted in a sealed envelope, showing the tender number and subject, to the address of GIZ Office Chisinau: 66 Bernardazzi St., Chisinau, MD-2009 not later than Friday, 4 August 2017, time 17:00.

Civil Society Organizations, which have no possibility to travel to Chisinau in order to deliver the offer, shall send the documents via post service.

Related questions could be addressed to Petru Pirnau, at or tel: +373 22 996 031.