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Aqueduct will make people healthier

14.01.2014   1990 Views  


Roșu villagers in the District of Cahul have had a health risk separated from their lives. It is about drinking water consumption.  

This winter it will be one year since this city has successfully completed a water project by constructing a new aqueduct. Locals, who know what it is like to argue about a bucket of water, are now satisfied that they can consume the water.


Each year, the National Public Center for Public Health warns that groundwater is a danger to human health. Almost 75 percent of underground water samples have shown a substandard chemistry for drinking.

Fortunately, there are places where a good idea, backed with money and involvement changed the situation in the country. Rosu Village is an example - now the people consume safe water. None of the 128 wells in the village had drinking water and liver diseases were the main causes of illness. In November 2012, on village day, the locals solved this problem by commissioning an aqueduct.

 A joint success for the authorities and villagers

Realizing an aqueduct construction project was a challenge for the village Roșu and the entire region, because it was complex. "We originally proposed to have water for only the village, but we were told that to win the project, it must have regional impact. Then we were consulted and guided by international experts to build drains. With the support of district authorities, the South Regional Development Agency, and financial aid from the Romanian Government and the German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ) our dream was fulfilled, said mayor, Grigore Furtună.

 A part of the success of this project was the villagers because they understood that most diseases are caused by water quality. Then, they mobilized, formed working groups and participated directly in the construction by facilitating the technical connection of their household water supply to the main pipe. In two months there were almost 500 connections. Today, of the 850 households, about 70 percent have drinking water from the tap.

 Currently, the village residents of Roșu pay 12 lei for one cubic meter of water, but the price may change if a regional operator is created that will manage a water supply system for all the District of Cahul. "In fact, the initiation process of regionalizing water supply services is a significant result of this project. Municipal nterprise "Apa Canal" Cahul currently manages both aqueduct systems system built in Roșu, and in Crihana Veche and Manta. They are ready for expansion to other places " said Chief of Project Management Department in the South RDA, Eugen Lupașcu.

The people of Roșu have only good words about this achievement. In fact, their satisfaction was seen in the presence of a massive official ceremony last year that involved not only local leaders but also the Romanian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Bogdan Aurescu, Vice-Minister of Regional Development and Construction of RM, Anatolie Zolotcov, representatives of South RDA and GIZ. "Now, tap water it's much better. The fountain here with us has quality drinking water, but before it was just a quarrel between neighbors" said local resident Elena Crețu.

 The water supply project was managed by the South Regional Development Agency, with financial support provided by the Romanian Government through the project "Modernization of Local Public Services in the Republic of Moldova" and was implemented by GIZ. The project value amounted to 2.8 million lei.

Ion Surdu
