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Hot weather - at the expense of farmers and in favor of builders

24.08.2013   2893 Views  

CĂUȘENI | 22 august 2013

"The sports complex at Căușeni is unique in the region, even in the country, that is why we must be responsible with the completion and the final reception organization", said Mr. Valerian Bînzaru, The Chief of the General Direction for Regional Development, in a working visit, on 22 august 2013.

Mr. Valerian Bînzaru, was familiar with the recommendations made by concentrated services in the reception of works on 26 July and was disposed of the objections lodged. Căușeni District Chairman, Mr. Ion Ciontoloi reviewed the activities remaining to be executed for the final acceptance. They included: installing canopies at the entrances, increasing the number of seats in the great hall by installing a balcony, and the possibility of using a system for ventilation and air flow. The proposals submitted were discussed with the contractor and designer, who said that these changes cannot be made ​​for security reasons, but also time.   


"Although construction has been partially completed, representatives of several sports federations in the country have shown a keen interest in this facility. All normal European rules were observed, the surface and the interior met the needs of many types of sports and that this complex will be asked for by name" - concluded the district chairman, Mr. Ion Ciontoloi.

During the visit, the Chief of the GDRD recommended drilling wells for rainwater accumulation and to evaluate the quality of works performed inside the building and the adjacent landscaping.


In the end, the head GDRD- Mr. Valerian Bînzaru, Director South RDA- Maria Culeșov, District President- Ion Ciontoloi, and project manager- Vera Ciuchitu, discussed the possible date and final reception organization.

ȘTEFAN VODĂ | 22 august 2013

Although it was over + 350 C, the works were in full swing and the evaluators were studying carefully the quality of works performed.  Mr. Valerian Bînzaru, Ms. Maria Culeșov and Mr. Eugen Lupașcu analyzed the border quality and the installations in the area. Chief of GDRD came up with a recommendation to increase the tempo of the works, for "hot weather is not so good for farmers, but very useful for road workers".

During the meeting of the Ștefan Vodă District Council they discussed issues related to changes in the technical design and the increased cost of the work to 2.89 million lei. Technical officer- V. Rusnac, as well as project manager- A. Barcari mentioned the operations and schedules with which they reacted to South RDA professionals and brought the desired results - all operative and qualitative changes were made to the technical project.


Finally, the Chief of GDRD drew attention to the execution time and quality of the works, mentioning that all those involved in this project are responsible to the same extent by money management assigned by the NFRD (National Fund for Regional Development)

The first day of monitoring and evaluation of the project in the South region, ended with a visit to the project "construction of the access road Codreni-Sagaidacul-Nou". Here, the works were on the last hundred meters for almost all the details: side tracks and hardening of the sidewalks in the village of Sagaidacul-Nou and adjacent land. In discussions with the Director of GDRD, the entrepreneur was optimistic about the completion during the established time, in his turn, Mr. V. Binzaru described the recovery of more than 100% of the money allocated from the NRDF for 2013.    


At the end of his visit, the chief of GDRD declared many thanks for the current situation of the inspected projects and gave recommendations to the South RDA team-as an intermediary in the successful implementation of projects in the south development region.