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Joint actions concerning capacity development by members in the RDC

21.08.2013   2023 Views  

Experts in the strategic planning department of Regional Development Agencies (RDA) in the North, Center and South, as well as representatives from the Ministry of Regional Development and Construction (MRDC) and the German International Cooperation Agency (GIZ) gathered at a round table on the subject of developing the capacities of the members of the Regional Development Councils (RDC) North, Center and South in the Republic of Moldova. The event was organized by the North RDA, with financial support from the GIZ.           

The South was represented by Ms. Tatiana Aramă the head of strategic planning and programming at South RDA, and strategic planning specialist Alexandru Sîrbu.


Participants in the roundtable also discussed drafting a joint action plan for organizing the first event, which will be on the development of the capacities of RDC and the establishment of a theme that will be debated in the first workshop. At the same time, the planners have established strategic planning, sharing, and responsibilities for the organization of coming events.

Since the two regional structures, RDA and RDC complement each other at a conceptual and operational level, regional development policy success depends largely on the efficient operation of the RDC; the structure should be based on a close and proactive cooperation with the Agency, local public authorities, civil society and the private sector.

An analysis of the activities of RDC reveals that its interest and involvement in the exercise of its rights and duties are not uniform. Among the weaknesses in the RDC is the fact that its structure is often limited to the formal approval of documents proposed by RDA, so rarely does it develop regional policy documents and actively participate in the annual planning of the RDA. At the same time, many members have difficulty understanding ways to carry out their duties along with possibilities of interaction with RDA and other stakeholders in the region.

As a result of the RDC training concept, that was proposed by South ADR and supported by other Regional Development Agencies, as well as a study conducted by GIZ in February 2013, RDC members have shown interest in participating in the development of training capacities in the field of regional development. The topics that have generated the most interest from members of the RDC refer to the role of the RDC with European countries and the methods to promote concepts for regional development. In total, 95% and 84%, respectively, of respondents expressed their desire to participate in training sessions on these topics.

We believe implementing the capacity building program for members of The Republic of Moldova RDC will develop active participation in the planning of the RDAs.

RDC is a structure for regional deliberation.