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Access Road Dimitrova-Acui-The Road To The Future

01.07.2013   2484 Views  

Regional development is a relatively new area for our society, but at the same time very necessary. Due to the existing priorities in regional development, today the population of less-favored areas of the Republic of Moldova benefit from renovated and newly constructed access roads, repaired aqueducts and renovated social buildings.

The inhabitants of the municipalities of Cîietu and Dimitrova in the District of Cantemir dealt with the issue between the district centers because they lacked a linked road. Before the road was constructed they were forced to make a detour of about 70 km and to pay 80 de lei for the trip.

Since 1997 there has been a project for the construction of this road, and it has now been achieved with the implementation of regional development projects. The project "Construction of the Access Road Dimitrova-Acui" was released in the year 2012, its cost being 15306.7 million MDL, the money is from the National Fund for Regional Development.


The final acceptance of construction works for the access road Dimitrova-Acui has held on 28, June. The event featured the following dignitaries; Mr. Marcel Răducan - Minister Of Regional Development and Construction, Mr. Valerian Binzaru Director of the Departent for Regional Development, Mrs. Maria Culeșov - Director of The South Regional Development Agency, as well as representatives of local public administration.

Today, for the inhabitants of the villages Cîietu, Dimitrova and Acui in the District of Cantemir have access to the district center. Certainly the problem of displacement will improve through the circulation of a daily route by reducing the risks of accidents on the road during rain and the reduction of travel costs, said Minister Marcel Răducan in the reception ceremony. 


Mrs. Maria Culeșov, director of the South RDA noted that "this road has been long-expected and well deserved by all those who will benefit from it".

From the community of Cîietu, the Director of Sports, conveyed with sincere gratitude and a sincere thank you to all those who helped to make this dream become reality. The graduating students of the gymnasium in Cîietu stated that this is a road of the future, which will bring them more opportunities. The Director of Sports thanked  Minister Marcel Răducan and Mrs. Maria Culeșov for the fact that the pupils will be able go to district or regional competitions without being foiled by bad weather or an impassable road.


The ministerial delegation inspected a portion of 4.6 km road and how the construction works of round and rectangles culverts were executed. As a result, there was the final act of acceptance signed by the members of the Commission.  We reiterate that the project access road Dimitrova-Acui  was released in the year 2012, the work took place over the course of a year, the cost is 15306.7 million lei which once again was allocated from the National Fund for Regional Development.