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New recommendations for writing projects by European experts

28.05.2013   2427 Views  

On 16 may 2013, Cimișlia District Council, held consultative working group responsible for drafting the first conceptual pilot project in the regional development of the South region "To facilitate new business development through the creation of regional business incubator in Cimișlia ".

The working group consisted of representatives of District Councils and Basarabeasca, Cimislia, South RDA, MCDR, employees of the project and international experts in the framework of the project.

The main objectives of the workshop were:

-Introducing an improved version of the concept note;

- developing teamwork for the project SWOT analysis to identify the main challenges in implementing the project;

- Developing an Action Plan for the implementation of the project's objectives for the next period, May 20-July 2, 2013;

-Visiting the Business Incubator's potential in Cimislia.

The activity started with a short presentation made by Mr. Igor MALAI, Deputy Head of the General Directorate for Regional Development, in the context of MRDC, project leader of the Republic of Moldova.

Patrick NODDINGS, the Twinning expert (France), came up with recommendations to look for regarding effectiveness:

-develop an action plan for implementing the project, where concrete actions will be established and those responsibility delegated for each activity, this will be carried out in the next meeting (July 2, 2013);

Anne AZAM-PRADEILLES, Resident Advisor Twinning Project (France), said that to be successful in the implementation of a given project, you must define exactly:

-a business incubator;

As a result of the visit, the Working Group noted the disastrous building, so it would involve considerable expense, using the default implementation of the given project. As a result, experts have proposed a new building for business incubator.


The workshop ended a discussion from the South RDA with the Twinning project team together with the Director of the South RDA - Maria Culesov and specialists from the South RDA, designated for pilot projects working groups: Tatiana Aramă, Alexandru Sîrbu, Viorica Cuțitaru, Andrei Tocaru.

The group moved to Leova, on 17 May. They gathered for a meeting of the second conceptual development at the regional development pilot project in the South Region "Water supply from the Prut River for 3 districts in SDR".

The meeting was opened by Ms. Efronisia GREÈšU, Leova District President and Chairman of the Regional Development Council, which expressed its support for the regional development policy promoted by the Government of the Republic of Moldova and implemented by regional development agencies and Regional Development Council, with the support of MCDR and development partners.

The workshop had the following objectives:

- Presentation of the improved version of the Concept Note;

-Teamwork in developing a SWOT analysis of the project to identify the main challenges in implementing the project;

-Action plan for the implementation of the project's objectives for the next period, May 20-July 2, 2013.

-Visit the business incubator of Leova;

Anne AZAM-PRADEILLES noted that at the end of the Twinning project, component 3, we will not only result in 6 pilot projects in regional development, but will have a draft handbook -"Pilot projects for regional development in Moldova: methodology of case study", with attachments that will contain a description of the steps in project implementation and other materials obtained during the project implementation (chords, maps, notes, photos, etc.)

The Working Group has drafted the first version of the map showing the route of the main water pipe. Two options have been analyzed by the route of the main water pipe; the first shift is parallel to the public highway, the second proposes the route through fields of crops.

The next meeting will be to consult and, respectively study:

-topographic maps that exist for each district;

-solicitors, engineers, and visions of the Geodesy and cartography;

-route situation of irrigation used during the 1980s and parse the schema in use for project opportunity today;

-land for the proposed route and the demand for water irrigation from consumers.


Finally, the Working Group undertook a visit to the Leova's business incubator, where they picked up tips and ideas for successful implementation of the same project in Cimislia. The water catchment station, in the city of Leova, has documented the activity of the undertaking, the projects implemented in the last period, and the capacity expansion and coverage within the services proposed for this project in Leova, Cimișlia, Basarabeasca.

The next meeting of the Working Group, will be held in July 2013, in order to assess the performance of the tasks proposed and the establishment of new steps in project implementation.

Remember that the project is implemented by the Ministry of Regional Development and Construction, in all three regions, and has as its principal objective the development of structured projects, both from a conceptual point of view, as well as the application for funding. The overall objective of the Twinning project is to contribute to the country's efforts to deal with the challenge of regional development.