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Financing opportunities for SMEs in the Region of the Black Sea Basin

25.03.2013   3244 Views  

Organized for attracting investments and promoting exports from Moldova and to bring to the attention of domestic enterprises (working in the following areas: agriculture, biodiversity, ecosystem management and conservation, energy, fishing, forestry, tourism, waste management, water and sanitation, etc.) regarding the possibility of participation in the Black Sea Climate and Business Initiative (CLIMBIZ).

CLIMBIZ CHALLENGE is a project to develop regional sustainable markets. It is initiated by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and the Organization of the Black Sea economic cooperation (BSEC). It is financed by the Austrian Development Cooperation and BSEC.

The project supports innovative SMEs that operate locally in the Region of the Black Sea Basin and have integrated business models for social and environmental benefits. The main goal of the project is to support CLIMBIZ entrepreneurs and to intensify and sustain their success throughout this region.

The project involves:

  • Projects that inspire Investment and trade in organic products which create business opportunities arising from climate change. Also, to developed skills by interested parties to improve the economy the Black Sea Region
  • Regional Forum on climate change and the "green" economy, aims to connect stakeholders, implement and promote trade in organic products in the markets of the Black Sea Region;
  • To assess the vulnerabilities of climate change at a regional level for key sectors and stakeholder capacity which strengthen, integrate and develop climate change into the policies of the region.

    Applicants of the CLIMBIZ project will be presented to investors (including providing loans and grants), active in Central and Eastern Europe and the Black Sea region which became part of a growing network of social enterprises and associations from around the entire region. The applicants will also be invited to participate at investment events in Vienna and Istanbul which bring together investors, financiers and entrepreneurs.

    For the implementation of the project applicants must fulfill the following conditions: demonstrate entrepreneurship and innovation, bring benefits to the regional economic, provide social and environmental benefits, exhibit the potential for financial sustainability, be present in the early phase of project implementation, ability to work in partnership with various groups and stakeholders, etc.

    For additional details about the project, visit the website: www.climbiz.org

    For online registration, click on the link: http://www.climbiz.org/20-0-APPLICATION-PROCESS.html#.URDSW2dbrIU http://miepo.md/newsview.php?l=ro&idc=325&id=1150

    Registration deadline CLIMBIZ project is April 5, 2013