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South RDA activity for 2013 was appreciated as ,,good„ by the South RCD

06.03.2013   2395 Views  

The Ministry of  Regional Development and Construction (MRDC) jointly with the South Regional Development Agency (RDA) have gathered in a meeting with members of the Regional Council for development (RCD). The meeting, the first this year, marks the beginning of RCD South activity in 2013. On the agenda were issues related to the activities of the RCD for 2011-2012 period, South ADR activity during 2012, and projects funded from the National Regional Development Fund in 2013, progress  that was made in the implementation of the strategy for the management of solid waste in the RDS.

RCD meeting was chaired by the President of the Council, Eufrosinia Grețu.

The meeting was attended by Chief of the Directorate-General for regional development of the MDRC, Valerian Bânzaru; the head of the Political Directorate and Regional Cooperation, Daniel Andros; the head of the Directorate of relations with the institutions of regional development, Sergiu Cecan,  23 members of the RCD, local media.

The theme of this month's meeting of the South RCD was the general report of the South Regional Development Agency during 2012. Each head of department of the RDA South reported to the RCD members about the activities of the department they represent. The Court of Auditors has been positively assessed the work of Finance and Procurement Section of the RDA South. Auditors found that legal norms were respected and ensured transparency in accounting work. In this context council members praised the work of the institution with the qualification -„well done ".

President of the CRD, Eufrosinia Grețu, presented a report about the activity of Regional Development Council.  In 2013, the RCD will be involved in the South develop regional sectoral plans by monitoring and coordinating the preparation of project documents, monitoring the implementation of investment projects and submiting proposals to streamline the work of the  South ADR's projects and ideas.

The Chairman of the Cantemir District Council, Andrei Malașevschi, said: "If in the past you did not heard about South ADR, today everyone is talking about the institution and its accomplishments, it has made considerable progress."

All draft decisions submitted were approved unanimously by all members of the South RCD. 

Download in romanian the decisions

Download in romanian the protocol of the meeting 


Raport de activitate al Agenției de Dezvoltare Regională Sud pentru anul 2012


Raport de activitate al Consiliului Regional de Dezvoltare Sud pentru perioada 2011-2012

Proiecte cu finanțare din FNDR implementate în RDS

Planificarea regională în cadrul proiectelor MSPL din RDS