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Workshop on Energy Efficiency

12.02.2013   2535 Views  

 Tuesday, February 12th, the working group on energy efficiency in the South region participated in the first workshop. The workshop is a first step in the process of developing sectoral plans incorporated in as a part of the "Modernization of Local Public Services Project , Intervention Area 2, Regional Planning and Programming".

Since 2010, the North, Center and South regions have been actively involved in the initial processes of regional development led by the Regional Development Councils and the Regional Development Agencies. Up to 2012, there was not an energy efficiency component in the regional strategies and the operational plans. With time, because of the necessity for energy consumption efficiency, the importance of the inclusion of this component in the regional strategic documents was realized. Only in 2012 was energy efficiency introduced in the regional development units as a new priority and as a number of measures an included indicator in the remaining priorities.

In this context, the project "Modernization of Local Public Services, Intervention Area 2, Planning and Regional Programming " provides support to the Ministry of Regional Development and Construction as well as to the RDAs in the beginning of the regional planning process in the EE sector in all the three regions of Moldova and implementing the participation principle. This process focuses on training in specialized workshops the working group representatives, as well as other interested stakeholders, who provide support in decision making on energy efficiency in public buildings at regional level. One of the planned workshops was held in Cimislia and aimed to develop the planning capacities by sectors at regional and local levels.

Stela Corobceanu, the deputy team leader in the area of ​​Intervention 2, Regional Planning and Programming, noted that it was necessary and desirable to work together with the local and regional representatives in order to identify ideas and solutions reflected in the projects with impact .

The main benefits from energy efficiency are primarily reducing energy consumption, reducing the impact of rising energy prices, improving security of supply, improving technical standarts for buildings and processes, increasing the comfort level as well as increasing the life of the building.  "The institutions with the greatest capacity for energy conservation, but with also a high consumption, are the public institutions. An estimate calculation shows that about 40% of a public institution budget is required to pay electricity consumption and this is alarming. The potential for reducing the consumption of an old buildings through effective power management is estimated between 30 and 50%", said Ion Muntean, an expert in energy efficiency, GOPA 2.

The three areas, established  for intervention, so far are: water and sanitation, waste management and energy efficiency of public buildings. For each field a working group will be created which, with South ADR specialists and national and international experts, will participate in the development of integrated plans by sectors. The whole process is planned to be completed in late 2015. The project area of ​​intervention includes all three development regions of Moldova.