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Reporter on Guard - Water Quality in Cahul

18.01.2013   2323 Views  

The "Reporter" on- Guard ", along with a respected radio theme show Moldova 1 - Public Radio Moldova, are doing broadcasts for the national campaign in the popularization of knowledge about water quality.

This campaign is very important because in the South Region of Moldova poor-quality drinking water is the cause of the 950-850 annual premature deaths and the loss of 2-4 million days of work. Also, only a third of the rural population has access to water supply services.

This campaign is carried out by the South Regional Development Agency, in partnership with the Ministry of Regional Development and Construction, and the Ministry of Environment. Initial communication is financially supported by the government and through the project Modernization of Local Public Services in Republic of Moldova. It is implemented by the International Cooperation Agency of Germany (GIZ). 

Cahul district has been at the forefront of the campaign. In recent years, it has benefited from infrastructure projects, both in the National Regional Development Fund and from the support of GIZ. At the same time, it has updated the chapter on the strategy for socio-economic development with The Water and Sewer District.

The "Reporter" on Guard "was released on January 17, 2013. The show is produced by the Independent Telejournalist Association, in partnership with "Ziarul de Garda", and broadcast from Moldova 1.